Psychology/therapy tip for the day! #2

Were you heavily traumatized as a kid? Did you lose your childhood? As an adult do you find yourself buying child-like things? Do you live the life you always wanted but never got then now? Do you ever lie awake at night knowing you can't go back but somehow your brain is convinced slightly it can, but then reality sets in that you can't so you get upset? Did you self-harm, have an ed, hate yourself as a kid? Do you have a lot of regrets from your childhood that you cringe over each night?
If so, I want you to know that you are not alone. This is how many trauma survivors are. I'm so sorry that you had to go through what you did during such a pure time. You didn't deserve it, but your struggle is valid. It's okay to cry about these things.
We need to heal your inner child before moving onto whatever your life may have now. So let's try a guided meditation. It might not work for everyone, and that's okay, it's just a suggestion.
What I want you to do is to listen to a calming soundtrack.
Close your eyes
Breathe in through your nose for 4 sec, hold 2 sec, and breathe out as slowly as you can out of your mouth. (Repeat this 3 times)
Then I want you to breathe in, clench every muscle you have as hard as you can, hold your breath 2sec, then breathe out and relax everything. (Repeat this 3 times)
*This next part takes another person so either in person, a call, whatever to have an outer voice telling you*
They'll ask you to find a safe place, a happy place. Somewhere you remember vividly that makes you happy. (Preferably a real place you've been to get a better grasp, but if not that's okay too)
They'll ask questions about the surroundings and how it looks. It can be yes or no questions so you just shake your head or you can say out loud. ( This way they know where so they can help guide you around)
Have them set the scene, make it real.
Remember to breathe
Then I want them to lead you somewhere where you can sit in that happy place.
Have them introduce your younger self.
They need to have younger you reassure you now that it's okay, that they aren't mad at you and they love you.
Give younger you a hug and talk with them if needed. (you might cry during and that's okay)
Let younger you walk away.
You can revisit whenever you'd like, and younger you would love to see you more.
Breathe in through your nose for 4 sec, hold 2 sec, and breathe out as slowly as you can out of your mouth. (Repeat this 3 times)

Take your time to reopen your eyes.

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