I want to start a fashion blog. I will like discuss trends and things I want to become trends or maybe trend predictions. I just love fashion so much. I love fashion magazines like vogue, glamour, cosmopolitan. Im always so interested in fashion week and I watch every runway. I want to spread my love for fashion in some way except dressing fabulous. Im very good at dressing and styling, its just something that makes me stand out from other people, I love accessorising, I love to use like stuff that are meant for something for other things, like a tie for a belt, or putting chains on my bag. The thing is I don't really know how to make a fabulous blog, some people told me I have to pay for domain but there is no way I couldn't do it for free, and also how am I supposed to advertise it to people, my town is very small and full of people who know nothing about fashion, they won't be very interested in that, so I need to advertise it to people that will read it. My closest experience to having a blog is when I made a gossip girl site for my town and I got busted on the second day because people love to ruin stuff, I write smart because of my huge vocabulary and I'm a cunt so people knew it was me, at first people thought that its a girl cuz like gossip girl duh, but there are hardly any smart enough girls to make that, so they thought it could be a gay which I'm the only smart and brave enough here to do it, so yeah they caught me but thats their loss I bet they were all dying to find out gossip, I also kinda got busted because somehow they found the last two numbers of the gsm of the person who created it, I don't know how in the whole school I'm the only person whose gsm number ends in 80, anyway, if yall could recommend a blog site that I could have a cunty blog in will be great, thanks in advance guys
Starting a Fashion Blog
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