something about olivia's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


rn im sat in a science lesson and theres a sub and he is SO rude, like sorry we arent at a noise level where you could hear a pin drop oh my lordd, somehow spacehey isnt blocked on the school wifi, but thats okay because then i get to post here.

jesus christ its so quiet in here i think i might actually DIE rn, not even allowed my headphones in so thats making this sm more unbearable, were supposed 2 be doing all our corrections and then creating a presentation about renewable energy. bare in mind weve been working on renewable energy for one singular lesson so nobody has a clue what theyre actually even doing, especially me. but we were moved to where my maths room is and i wish we actually had my maths teacher because she is so much more nicer than whoever this man is. its whatevs tho!! next i have history which im excited for because tbf i actually quite literally love history, even tho i always fall asleep there its fine. im thinking about picking it for GCSEs along with textiles and maybe music, if not that then ICT. idk tho!!

theres also this girl in here i have ongoing beef with, and shes lowk sat alone so i find that quite funny. she complains about losing friends but is then sososo rude, she makes up the weirdest lies ever, i get quite a good giggle out of that. but its fine because i entered my snitch era and lowk told my head of yr LMFAO. dude this teacher wont stop standing at the back of the classroom, my laptop is turned so far away from him to the point my back is lowkey arched trying to keep up with it holy moly. anyways dont be rude guys!!!

anyways im gonna actually do my work now before this guy starts losing his hair w me, lol he has none but you get me. baiii !!!!


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