Friday Oct.20th'2023
Inside my heart the thunder rolls, inside my soul there's howling... there's a shadow lurking I can't shake it, scattered memories, that though it still hurts I hang on, I'll never let go:
The shadow has my heart, forever a part of me! In my dreams I run with the wolves under the moonlight feel just alittle closer to the shadow that I carry with me wherever I go...
Cause I'll never let go: a love, a memory that not even time can erase! The love I carry day by day runs deep, through my veins, my heart, my soul,my mind...
I'll hold that shadow there till the end of time... cause that shadow still means everything to me:
The pain and emptiness that comes at times I'll take and endure for all my life... cause the shadow was and is more than worth it! The shadow forever apart of me...
On my heart like a tattoo: knowing I'll never love another in just the same way!!
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