Heyyy so idek what im supposed to do here i just wanted a cute proflie lol
Anywayss let me tell u guys about my life rn although its kinda boring.
I go to school obvii but i also work at a second hand clothing store and i actually really like it!! -kindaa
I get to sort through peoples' clothes sometimes and i get first pick on anything we buy in so its safe to say i spent WAYYYYY to much $$. Although it hurts the bank i get some amazing things to add to my closet soo i think its definetly worth it.
As for my free time i watch probably way to many cartoons but idc i will stay watching them. If im not watching tv i might be drawing/painting something or making more posters/room decor. I dont have many other hobbies i pretty much just listen to music all day and possibly get ready for no reason but who cares cuz its fun.
but yea that's it for now byeee <3
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