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Category: Blogging

Zia's Blog Entry #1 (JOP)

Novemver 27th, 2022.

Finally getting around to making a blog. I've always wanted to, and I found a reason to start one! I finally made some friends I think!? Idk yet. I met another new kid, before we even got to the school coincidentally!! He seems fairly reserved and quiet, but that's all good with me! As long as this friendship doesn't end the way my last one did then I don't care if he talks at all. Maybe my standards are just insanely low at this point, but I mean I'll take what I can get. It's been like a whole year since I've had a single friend?? And given that was my first REAL friend literally ever, I'll DEFENITELY take what I can get. But whatever, I managed to make TWO friends in one day! Thats more than I've ever even had. So I'm pretty excited! I just hope this new kid doesn't ditch me the very next day (like usual AGHH). But at very least I met 2 people today, so if one leaves then maybe I'll still have ONE friend by tomorrow!! Jesus that makes me sound pathetic. WHATEVER because the new kid said I could come by his place at night when his parents are asleep, (since he's apparently not allowed to hang out with friends outside of school??? Odd. But some parents are strict, so I guess I get it.?) He also said I could come over and walk to school with him in the morning since I pass his house on the way to school, so that's pretty cool! For how reserved he seemed, he caved pretty quickly to let me come by to see him. But maybe I was pressuring him too hard.?? Well if I still have friends by tomorrow, I'll update and share more about them! 

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