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Category: Life

Just read it bitch

I´m supposed to be a responsible adult ok but i´m tf not, im gonna cry. So I was in an irish pub that night. Both, my workmate and me had to take flights to Madrid next day. He was ending his intership and had to return home, but i had a more important commitment two thousand km away from there tbh, so we were celebrating.

Next morning i went to work as if I had slept more than three hours, i did my shit and then i took a taxi to the airport. At this point i gotta say i was scared af. I´ve never took a flight alone before and that morning i was using all the hundred fifty percent of my not so bright brain capacity to do it right (zero survival skills). And I was with flu man, i was dying insinde. I didn´t thought i was gonna make it.

Dude, not gonna lie, i´m that one friend who turns the autopilot on when travels with you. i don´t know where are we going, i dont know whats my seat and i dont even know where are we right now.

Anyways do u know what was freking me out the most? ok I was going to Madrid to see Green Day, my fav band ever, but by that point i had already missed four of their concerts. One couse i was so young and my parents couldn´t take me, another couse i had no one to go with, another one couse poor, then something about a pandemic or something like that. 

So I was in the plane thinking omg im doing it everything is going alright i cant belive it. Then a huge storm started and they delayed the flight 40 mins. Dude the fucking aircraft was not aircrafting and i was seriously panicking. I actually thought i was coursed or something like that.

But we took off. And I cryied. And we landed and i cryed again. And it was not till the concert started and I was there and i saw they were actually real when i started to cry of happiness dude. I waited for that moment almost ten years. Something within me healed that night man, i swear it. So many things could have gone wrong (again) but i was there, with flu, with three hours of sleep and trying to figure out how i made it to take a plane by myself, and how i was gonna do it to make it again next day. I crossed half of Europe twice in a weekend only for this. Fuck yes. That was the best night of my life.

(i cryied during the flight back to Prague and the hole next two weeks)

If that´s not love mate, then I don´t know what it is.

2 Kudos


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doma's profile picture

this is giving main character vibes, im glad you had fun!!!

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