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Category: Blogging

Participating in a drama club 🗨

I'm in our local drama club...

And I AM truly happy to be here. There was just always this one, tiny issue...Hierarchy. If you're not from the "The most popular and liked girls in club" then your opinion doesn't really matter to anyone. I wrote a play called OutBreak and it's fully written by me, I made the whole script, the idea is mine. I had to fight really hard to actually find a cast, even if the club literally has like around 25-30 (?) members. But yeah, I found the cast and we actually did staged the play. People encouraged me to write more to the script, to update it so the play would be even better, more emotional. But then boom and pow and suddenly almost everyone from the cast left without an explanation. I really tried to fix all of this, and desperatly tried to stage the updated version of play. But you can guess how it went. So yeah...That's how I made my own little drama club. We are called PartyBus and we're just getting started, I'm writing my new script to the play called "Even Gods don't have it easy" and I hope for the best.

But what I'm trying to say is, don't let people step all over you. Never try to prove anyone your worth if they don't want to see it. Go in your own ways, be free, be happy :3

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Amy's profile picture

Yeah.. some people in this drama club scares me.. but Im really excited for PartyBus :P
I can't wait longer to debiute there!

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so am I Amy :]

by On7xed; ; Report