I have a 4 page philosophy essay to write that's about 1/4 done (minus editing). It's worth half of my grade and a little rushed theme of it is how the internet and social media affect how we comprehend reality and what is truth.
I have a part about how words lose their meaning once they get "mainstream" or are used too much by people who don't know the actual meaning. One of the examples I use is the term woke. To make this part of the essay seem less like a rant I thought I could use Ludwig Wittgenstein's family resemblance. The problem is that I don't know if Wittgenstein's idea works with words that have lost their original meaning and not just with words that have a different meaning in different context.
r/askphilosophy is no help and I'm pretty sure my question would break the community guidelines since it states that the sub is not a "debate or discussion subreddit".
The only plausible option is to go grave robbing and try to get the answer from the man himself.
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