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Category: Blogging

do whatever you can to achieve your dreams

and what i mean by that is not give up on your life to follow your passions blindly. i'm not talking about being stupid and just doing what you want and never going through sacrifices, never taking risks. i'm talking about understanding the importance of making yourself happy. i'm talking about giving up on bad habits and bad environments and just going out there and fucking rock it. you want to visit some country in another continent? work hard for that. save up some money. get a job. you want to date that lad or that lassie? court them. try your best to make things happen. you should stretch your reality to your dreams. sometimes it won't work, sometimes things will be on the way, but you should try it.

my biggest goal in life is to just live, to meet new people and establish good friendships and let go of bad ones, to love so much that my heart will soften as much as one could, to drink and enjoy music and visit every single pub, to go to concerts and walk the pavement drunk with my friends. i don't ask for much, but if i wanted to do some shit like becoming a worldwide known author, i would work for it and just write and publish and get rejected and try hard again and everything.

you just got to go after it and stop being so lazy. it is worth it to live the experiences and moments you always wanted.

4 Kudos


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