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Category: Blogging

Ranting about frogs

Hello and welcome, my guys, gals and nonbinary pals! I feel like having a random ranting session because I'm bored and chatty. 

This is my first ever blog post! Now, I'm gonna rant to you about my new and old hyperfixations and hit you with a myriad of fun facts because me irl friends and family are getting tired of listening. (That may or may not be facts. If it's wrong, please do comment and tell me.) 

Let's start of easy! Frogs! It fits perfectly since I'm wearing my frog hoodie at the moment. You can't see so you will simply have to trust me on that. 

Did you know that frogs eat with their eyes? Hear me out! They have such large eyes that can press down on the roof of their mouths and helps them push down the food when they swallow it! 

There's an adorable Amazon Milk Frog that have no natural enemies thanks to the incredibly poisonous skin and they can survive up til 25 years in the wild! Which technically isn't so impressive since that is around the ordinary lifespan of a frog BUT LOOK AT THE THING! IT DESERVES TO BE WORSHIPPED! 

Amazon Milk Frog: Info, Care Sheet, Lifespan & More (With Pictures) |  PangoVet

While we're on the topic of frogs named after food products, look at this Tomato Frog! 

Keys to Caring for a Tomato Frog - ABDRAGONS

This little guy's natural defense mechanism is to give off a glue that sticks the predators lips together!

 A Rolling Pebble Toad Gathers No Moss | Featured Creature

This cutie pie is a pebble frog which will throw itself off a cliff to avoid predators and tuck its legs then actually bounce once it hits the ground! 

I'm lazy so that's all the pictures you'll get, but I have a few more facts. 

The Alaskan Wood Frog freezes down during the cold winters, and basically becomes nothing but a frog shapes ice block. It basically stops living, as its heart doesn't beat and it doesn't breath. But once it gets warm, it thaws and casually continues on with its life until the next winter. 

Speed round! Frogs have 180-degree vision! The smallest known frog is the size of a housefly. Toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads. Frogs were the first animal on earth to have vocal cords. Many frogs do not actually vomit but they instead throw up their stomach and picks out whatever isn't suppose to be there before again swallowing. 

AND ONE LAST FACT! They are indeed the cutiest pies ever. Until next time! Hope you learned something and hope I didn't accidentally fill your head with lies! 

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