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Category: SpaceHey

first impressions for SpaceHey - guide to newcomers!

welcome! been on here for a little while and what I've noticed is the following:


this style of social media is more old school, so expect less dopamine and information overload. you have to put effort into finding the things you like. to me, that's part of the draw. I like being able to find cool conversations and discover on my own without being fed certain things. folks on TikTok talk about building their FYP brick-by-brick...they don't know the half of it over here lmao


profiles are really fun to work on! there's a lot of coding help you can find on here through forums if you're curious about how to do things. it's one of the few spaces that you can have lil customized html and css layouts beyond Tumblr and it was my original draw as someone who was tired of the boring landing pages of different social media sites.

back on the OG MySpace, it was more normalized to post on other people's walls and comment, but both due to the smaller size of this platform as it stands and to lurking more common, I think people don't reach out and comment on your page as often as one used to. I try to say hello to the people I friend as a courtesy, but I don't think that's necessarily a given! 

forums and groups:

you've already found this one, which is good~ I think the groups help organize posts to a specific audience and topic vs. the bigger ones. I kinda think they may want to consolidate this at some point, but I'm also down with the fact that the dev team seems to be pretty hands off. 

as far as forums go, ymmv - lot of teens on here along with adults. there's not really any kind of moderation that I'm seeing on here, but I haven't seen anyone be specifically rude; just mainly wrong about things without fact-checking if that makes sense?


this has been really enjoyable for me! didn't realize how having a simple text editor on here makes writing easier. I dig the simplicity and the rich text editor. tempted to try some weird stuff with the in-line css, but I'm also concerned about breaking this thing like I've done a few times lofl


honestly have not used this a ton, mainly because the notification system I have for SpaceHey is pretty lax in contrast to the 50 notifs I get from Discord. did that on purpose, but yeah, I haven't really enjoyed using it too much. kinda leads into my next bullet!


the userbase is interesting. generally, there are two categories:

- people who used to use MySpace back in the day and want to rekindle the magic, and

- people who were either too young or missed out on MySpace altogether, but are disappointed that it's...well, MySpace.

the og scenesters:

the first group is sad about this platform not being as active as it was in its height, when a) the platform is up-and-coming, and it's going to take a minute to get people here, and b) the contrast between current social media is why you even came here to begin with. 

the site's run on donations and it's free. it's gotten as big as it has by word of mouth, not by advertising. if you want to have a community, you have to do the work and tell people about it. you also have to make the people on here feel welcome by interacting with them and operating on the site. 

and hell, if you want things to run better, donate to SpaceHey!!! 

the new kids on the block:

the second group is ignorant (not their fault) to what OG social media was. they're here because they're not happy with the many issues with new social media, thinking this is an antidote to that. 

social media built on the small web (i.e. non-corporate web) was not built to make money. [MySpace tried to make money off of its platform later on and sank as a result; Facebook and YouTube changed and evolved to be a platform to make money on.] 

it was built to provide people the opportunity to connect online without having to go to multiple locations and put them in one place. the optimization we currently see for TikTok, Instagram, whatever, is all from a place of trying to sell things to its userbase. 

these two are not so different

all of us are spoiled from new social media because it is driven by attention, meaning they built it that way so you would have a hard time leaving because if you left, they wouldn't be able to sell you things

so, it's an attitude adjustment. 

in summary, spacehey is not:

- Discord - you're not going to get lightning-fast responses for anything. it's not a messaging system. remember: a site that has the incentive to keep you on it all the time does not have your best intentions in mind.

- MySpace - nothing is going to replace MySpace, even a clone. we're making something different here, yo! 

- a substitution for community in your day-to-day! this space is not going to help you escape your life because it just isn't cohesive enough to have the immersion of those spaces. 

spacehey is, however:

- a cool place to discover ways to disconnect from the dark web

- something different than other platforms that are currently active right now, full of people who have the shared desire to reclaim the web for themselves

- whatever we decide to make it! if you're only on here to just do profile customizations and dip for a few weeks, that's okay! if we want to use this boy as as means to organize etc, we can do that. 


thanks for coming on! I'm curious to know if there's anything else I've missed here, but that's the long and short of it. 

6 Kudos


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Connor's profile picture

hello! someone of the secret third option here (missed out on myspace, want to rekindle a magic that never existed in the first place) any tips for makin friends? i've just been scrolling through the online section and adding people with cool profiles but i've been struggling to like,, connect with people? and i really want to!!

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hello, and sorry for just getting back to you! I only notice the comments when I'm online and have been focusing on things beyond this space.

I think the biggest challenge is immediacy with forums like this. unless you're connecting with people who log on every day (which this platform is not really tuned to have as many hits of dopamine in comparison to corpo social media), you kinda have to train your brain to be comfy with friends on here being that of penpals. either that, or move to a platform with more speedy communication like an IM (Discord etc).

had to rewrite my response to this part because it was coming off a bit clinical, though I still may operate that way thanks to the neurodivergence, so apologies in advance!

your biggest challenges here on finding friends are not only trying to gain attention of folks who you don't have a relationship built, which means investing time in reaching out and communicating semi-regularly, but also for the other person to be interested. I don't think that's an insane ask - I bet you're great! it comes down to "out of sight, out of mind" and how we've been trained from other social media to be a bit more anonymous and removed combined with less prompting.

becoming someone's friend takes time, energy, and effort, but I implore you to look at who is also investing time into back into you as an indicator of not overextending yourself for the hope of friendship, regardless of platform. general rules of thumb for me has been talking about shared interests with people and using that as a way to expand to other things. even better if you can find a way to talk about things you can do together like playing games or watching a show.

I think this has a lot to be explored, so may end up making a blogpost about this at some point. thank you for reading and asking!

by zzzzz; ; Report

Natalí Regina

Natalí Regina's profile picture

I really like how you write. Altough I know this isn't exactly myspace or a replacement, I would really like to see some of its features here, but I assume that little by little the site will evolve (without losing the charm of being a retro social network) and it will do better if more people donate.

I never used Myspace back in the day (I was smol lol), but I remember investigating it for a while. My brothers are millennials and they did live through that era of the internet, but here in LatinAmerica it wasn't so common to use Myspace, other similar social networks like Hi5, Tuenti and Taringa were used

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awh, thank you for the compliment! I truly appreciate it. there are certainly quality-of-life things that could benefit the site (better search, easier discovery features in blogs, forums, etc.), but I also wonder how far we can go while keeping this place special.

we have enough people on here who are better at coding than me - I think the easiest way to drive site traffic is adding a solid embed instant messenger equivalent to AOL Instant Messenger. this one seems like a solid option, but it's not something that can just be hosted through the site. that, and the app needs a lot of help.

yeah, I was right on the cusp of it falling off: earliest consistent broaches with social media were Facebook. I had a Twitter account the first year it came out - makes me feel really old O.o

by zzzzz; ; Report