guess who's trying to maintain his online blogger (read: Yapper) persona. Surprising
i am typing this blog post from the floor of a courtroom attached to a municipal police department. the court is closed on saturdays and sundays, so my mock trial team practices here every weekend. i am surrounded by a sea of starburst wrappers from the girl sitting on the couch next to me. every so often i look up at her and we frown at each other, a silent expression of commiseration.
i don't like mock trial practice. right now i could be working through my physics lab write-up or taking another nap or contemplating buying another video game i'll pick up for a week and then abandon. sometimes i think that, if i were to be called as a witness in an actual court case, i would do terribly. over the past three years, i have grown too comfortable in the court. i have cussed out other fictional witnesses on the stand. i have fallen asleep on the seats just behind the bar. i have even witnessed an opposing team's witness's pants falling down as he took the stand at a regional tournament, causing my team to have to bite back our laughter.
similarly, i don't think i could ever be good at being an adult. i've spent thirteen years learning how to be a kid and three more learning to be a teenager—which, evidently, i still feel inexperienced at. i don't think i'll ever be able to give up bleaching and dying my hair at home on a whim or doodling on whatever paper i have to turn in or falling asleep at 6 p.m. only to wake up at 11 p.m.Â
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I took the speech and debate rather than mock trial route, but God wanting to do anything else but practice is so real.
though, lol I cant wait to be a young adult and haven't figured out how to be a teen yet. hate this stupid awkward point in my life, I'm still 11 but also 29 yk?
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wish my school offered debate lowk. offering mock but not debate is Diabolical
hopefully once im not at this stupid awkward age anymore ill have things figured out ^_^ i Hate still feeling like im supposed to be eight
by luke; ; Report