About Me: A-Z
Created by GlamCat
A. Age: 20
B. Best Friends: still my childhood friends <3
C. Currently: drowning in uni work
D. Drink/smoke: opportunistic weed enjoyer and cocktail lover, even if rarely
E. Eye Color: grey-ish blue? also kinda green?
D. Drink/smoke: opportunistic weed enjoyer and cocktail lover, even if rarely
E. Eye Color: grey-ish blue? also kinda green?
F. Fears: never being good enough no matter how hard i try
G. Games: genshin !! but also the sims 4 AND STARDEW VALLEY RAHHHHHHH
H. Height: 174cm / 5'8''
G. Games: genshin !! but also the sims 4 AND STARDEW VALLEY RAHHHHHHH
H. Height: 174cm / 5'8''
I. Instagram: @pumpk1nm3ow
J. Job: working in retail when im not at uni
J. Job: working in retail when im not at uni
K. Kids or no: never omg CHILDBIRTH IS SO SCARY and the babies are PERMANENT
L. Least Favorite Color: i dont dislike any color they can all be so so pretty
M. Movie You Love: Howl's Moving Castle (or any studio ghibli movie tbh), the Kingsman
L. Least Favorite Color: i dont dislike any color they can all be so so pretty
M. Movie You Love: Howl's Moving Castle (or any studio ghibli movie tbh), the Kingsman
movies and the Agatha Christie movies!!
N. Nicknames: nels is a nickname already oopsie
O. One Wish: if i had one wish id wish for my social anxiety to vanish (still holds true)
P. Pets: two cats !! <3
Q. Quote You Love: I can't think of one rn :/
R. Relationship Status: found my soulmate hehe
S. Siblings: 4 sisters
T. Time You Woke Up: like 11:30 ITS A SUNDAY I CAN SLEEP IN OK
U. Unknown Fact About You: i look pretty normal or whatever but im soooo cringe once you
get to know me (i love it though)
V. Vacation You Loved: I'd say when i was on Saint-Tropez with my family, i loved spending
all day (and sometimes night) at the beach :D
W. Worst Habit: i shut down when im struggling so i genuinely cannot ask for help :D (again,
unfortunately still true)
X. X-tra Fact About You: i once gave a total stranger a tarot reading and it turned out to
be shockingly accurate
Y. YouTuber You Love: idk id say , , and
Z. Zodiac Sign: scorpio with heavy virgo and taurus influence
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