Ooh- yikes! Every person clicking into this is getting a warning before they continue reading: WARNING! THIS IS ABOUT A KPOP BOY GROUP! Click off if cringe, sorry!
Now that we've gotten that ever so important disclaimer out of the way- I LOVE THEM! I'm so excited for their doctor! doctor! release and I feel like I have nobody who shares that insane level of excitement (except for you nana, but I doubt you'll read this, and you're too focused on gunwook anyway) for zb1 and I wan't to talk about it BAD. I think this is gonna be their next "in bloom". everybody ate that shit up. I DID TOO! But that was before I really got into them. for a while (despite watching boysplanet) I tried to keep a distance from them. I think, partially, it was because I knew if I kept up with them I'd totally fall in love with the group (spoiler alert....... not needed!). I love them so much. My college dorm is covered in LOONA and ZB1 stuff (oh, and don't get me started on how much I love loona, I wouldn't be into kpop at ALL if it were not for them) and cringe be damned, I LOVE KPOP. Damn, that would kill 14 year old me to hear, but she had other issues (like arguing with adults on twitter about things that do not matter whatsoever). I find it so hard to pick a zb1 bias because I am soooo ot9. For me, I think my "bias" rotates every month or so, and that's fine! each of them rock so I'm not suffering at all. Not that this is that related, but I also can't really pick an ateez bias. Maybe its wooyoung if I was forced to pick but I gen love all of ateez too so I feel saying wooyoung is my ult fav feels ingenuine. Anyway. lost track there. Zerobaseone. I have nothing of actual value to say here. I just wanted to talk. SO thanks for reading. ANyway. Yeah. Zerobaseone. Yeah. I love taerae. (Recently) he's been my "bias" of the month. Just a big taerae guy (girl, I'm not a guy Idk why I typed that). Thnaks for still reading. Or not. Whenevrer I post here I feel like I'm encountering a schrödinger's cat situation. I never know if anyone is actually reading, so when I address the reader, it's like "damn. is the reader anyone but myself? should I just address myself? yeah? no. SOmetimes I make my ROOMMATE read these. Sorry bella" I said all rthat out loud, so the quotation makes sense. ANyway
I lost track again. I love just writing shit down. thanks for reading (LOL)
Stream doctor! doctor! out JAN.20th 2025
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mika !!
so glad i heard this being made! i heart gunwook
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wow, two gunwook lovers. BE original, right?
by duwwy; ; Report