nerdyraccoon's profile picture

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Category: Life

God damnit Kesha look what kind of delusions you put into my head

I wanna go rock climbing, skiing, enter abandoned places and grafitti all over them, smoke(hold up no), get a bunch of piercings and a wing tattoo on my shoulder blade, go skydiving, create a band,  and do whatever those rebellious teens in 2000s highschool movies did. BUT I CAN'T


Which include: 

- My friends are goody two shoes who don't wanna do crazy shit (I honestly respect them for that they're probably gonna live longer than me)

- My parents don't want me to do piercings

- My parents are also broke and I don't have a job


- No one in my town would join the band

okay so

I'm SICK AND TIRED of having to be locked inside my room all day watching people live what I wanna live. 

"Oh you just need to go outside" the area I'm living in is dangerous and honestly I don't wanna go outside with my parents.

If I was living in my old house, I probably WOULD'VE gone outside! BUT I'M NOT

I feel like I'm not doing my job as a teen to be reckless. The most I've ever done is steal a pen from my classmate. I see all these people online travelling to beautiful places, rolling in grassy hills, standing atop mountains, and I'M JEALOUS. I CAN'T DO SHIT. I just wanna have fun and go to parties with lots of music and lights and live singers and karaoke, but let's be honest we all know parties like that don't happen anymore, teens nowadays are all about "clean girl1!! aesthetic!!" NONE OF THEM CARE FOR PARTYING AND WEARING COLORFUL OUTFITS DO THEY

I just wish I had friends who wanna do that kind of stuff with me but they're mostly afraid of punishment (I am too lmfao), church girls or too calm and settled for that.

Can someone transfer 2000000 dollars to me or something so that I can travel a lot and throw huge parties (I mean I do need friends who are into that first but who cares)

57 Kudos


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Kaznik's profile picture

This is probably better. You're 2 young 2 be aware enough 4 things like this. It might seem like you're wasting your youth, but there's enough time.

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MyChemicalUsername's profile picture

U exactly describing all my thoughts in every detail

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DANTE's profile picture

Same asf, also skiing mentioned? But nah fr i relate to this on a spiritual oevel and it sucks but oh well.

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DANTE's profile picture

Same asf, also skiing mentioned? But nah fr i relate to this on a spiritual oevel and it sucks but oh well.

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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚𝒥𝑜𝒽𝓃𝒟𝑜𝑒𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓇𝑒˚ʚ♡ɞ˚'s profile picture

except my parents are more willing to let me get piercings and im old enough for a job
BUT NO ONES HIRINGGGG ntm i live is really boring T-T

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my parents actually did say i could go skydiving when i turn 18 thoooo

by ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚𝒥𝑜𝒽𝓃𝒟𝑜𝑒𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓇𝑒˚ʚ♡ɞ˚; ; Report


evangeline's profile picture

i wrote a really long comment here but spacehey deleted it augh

basically i was trying to say that i felt the same exact way when i was younger, i thought i was wasting my teen years because i lived in a small rural town with a strict family. you don't have to tick off everything on your list at a very young age. when i turned 18 and moved out i had to much more freedom to feel like a crazy rebellious teen! for example i'm 19 nearly 20 now and in the past year i've travelled to 4 different countries, smoked weed in amsterdam, went clubbing in berlin, got 3 different piercings, i have a tattoo in planning, had crazy nights out with my besties, got into so many ridiculous situations it's absurd, starting drumming again... etc.
what i did to feel less caged when i was your age was to stay out a little later with my friends, at least until it turns dark. i was back before my pretty early curfew in most cases, but being outside when it was night made me feel like i was doing something lol. when i turned 16 my friends were more willing to be a bit adventurous - there is one abandoned building in my town so we went there and added some grafitti with sharpie. we also started drinking (do not feel pressured into doing substances underage, you can stay sober while living this kind of life!). even though i wasnt really doing anything wrong, i still felt more free. also the kind of music you listen to can really sell the fantasy in your head. i even tried dressing a little bit more "me", and although it didnt really work and i still looked pretty basic because i wasn't allowed to dye my hair or pierce my face, it made me feel like i was being a rebel.
also, don't smoke, i started and it's a very bad idea, fucks with your health big time. you can still be a rebel without killing your lungs :,)
the others in the comments had better ideas for what to do at your age, but the main thing i want to get across is that you don't have to give this dream up the second you're not a teen anymore. the kind of parties you described definitely do still happen! you just might have to wait a little while to find them. most people go well into their 20s still exploring themselves and getting into stupid situations, don't feel rushed. you never have to stop if you don't want to! be that grandma in the band the world needs!

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oh yeah one more thing - once you're old enough for a job try and grab one, even if you're only working 1 day a week. sure it takes away free time, but i started working at 14 and used the money i'd saved to move out and do everything i said in the above comment^^ it was like i was investing my boring plain highschool years to go crazy when i was of age! very boring and you have to be patient, which i know from experience is super tough and kind of draining. but i promise that life you want is out there waiting for you

by evangeline; ; Report


bullet's profile picture

start a band with me lol.. please..

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Cloak_Person<3's profile picture

lowkey real

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Aereo_pazzo's profile picture

First of all, yes, most of teenagers are not on this stuff, and this can be discouraging on finding your people.
And I totally understand you, I so want to do those thing tooooo, and somehow I'm starting doing something, like going to concerts or hang out with people I fr enjoy stay in company with and I started playing guitar; but there is so much I want to do too.
What I would do is to just try to go outside at events you like, for example, if there is a concert you like to go, just go, even alone, you'll know somebody. I don't know exactly where you live, and I know is difficult and you feel like you're isolated, but there is always a way (I don't even know how old are you, but, if you're like 14 or less don't worry about losing your teenage years, thing will change and your teenage years have literally just started).
Also dating apps can be useful, but don't EVER use it if you're minor, there are very bad people there that you can't even imagine.
Anyway, good luck, I hope you'll do what you like forever (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
And know that if you lived in my city I would volunteer to hang out with you, lol, but as you sound, I think you're from the other side of the world, lol

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Aereo_pazzo's profile picture

First of all, yes, most of teenagers are not on this stuff, and this can be discouraging on finding your people.
And I totally understand you, I so want to do those thing tooooo, and somehow I'm starting doing something, like going to concerts or hang out with people I fr enjoy stay in company with and I started playing guitar; but there is so much I want to do too.
What I would do is to just try to go outside at events you like, for example, if there is a concert you like to go, just go, even alone, you'll know somebody. I don't know exactly where you live, and I know is difficult and you feel like you're isolated, but there is always a way (I don't even know how old are you, but, if you're like 14 or less don't worry about losing your teenage years, thing will change and your teenage years have literally just started).
Also dating apps can be useful, but don't EVER use it if you're minor, there are very bad people there that you can't even imagine.
Anyway, good luck, I hope you'll do what you like forever (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
And know that if you lived in my city I would volunteer to hang out with you, lol, but as you sound, I think you're from the other side of the world, lol

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yaszz's profile picture

Real, mas as vezes me dá uns episódios de mania (sla oq é isso) q do nada em um dia aleatório saio e faço a maior merd@ da minha vida e dps me arrependo, volto ficar no quarto e pensando nessas msm coisas e repete tudo de novo. Sinceramente n sei oq tenho na cabeça💁🏻‍♀️

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yaszz's profile picture

Real, mas as vezes me dá uns episódios de mania (sla oq é isso) q do nada em um dia aleatório saio e faço a maior merd@ da minha vida e dps me arrependo, volto ficar no quarto e pensando nessas msm coisas e repete tudo de novo. Sinceramente n sei oq tenho na cabeça💁🏻‍♀️

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yaszz's profile picture

Real, mas as vezes me dá uns episódios de mania (sla oq é isso) q do nada em um dia aleatório saio e faço a maior merd@ da minha vida e dps me arrependo, volto ficar no quarto e pensando nessas msm coisas e repete tudo de novo. Sinceramente n sei oq tenho na cabeça💁🏻‍♀️

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⋆|Ryuu.♱'s profile picture

eu vivo isso diariamente, vejo todo mundo fazendo amizades incríveis, saindo, sendo imprudentes, mentindo para pais abusivos e controladores, namorando, vivendo loucuras e criando boas memórias pra levar pra vida, enquanto eu estou apodrecendo em meu quarto com um celular em minhas mãos, eu odeio me sentir assim

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⋆|Ryuu.♱'s profile picture

eu vivo isso diariamente, vejo todo mundo fazendo amizades incríveis, saindo, sendo imprudentes, mentindo para pais abusivos e controladores, namorando, vivendo loucuras e criando boas memórias pra levar pra vida, enquanto eu estou apodrecendo em meu quarto com um celular em minhas mãos, eu odeio me sentir assim

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Trish <3

Trish <3's profile picture

omgee this is actually too real! I always watch these videos of this group of friends skateboarding and finding these cool places and like, I wanna do that too!:( But I can't since all my friends live so far away and probably would rather do something else. :((

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isabella's profile picture

So real

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insomniac's profile picture


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z0mbalex [X....x]

z0mbalex [X....x]'s profile picture

real as fuck, i felt the EXACT same when i was a teen <\\3 but honestly it's so much better since i turned 18 [am 20 now] - i have Adult Money, can drink + go clubbing, i have more freedom from parents, and i'm still super young! it's so easy to feel like time is escaping u and u only have a small window to be crazy n have fun in that way but it becomes SO. MUCH. EASIER. once u have that extra bit of freedom i promise :] also, kesha was 18 when she first got signed and 23 when animal + cannibal were released in 2010 sooo there ya go!

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xxRebellious_Emmaxx's profile picture

I feel your pain as someone who grew up with an abusive, controlling, and quite misogynistic maternal grandmother who would raise all hell whenever I merely suggested the idea of leaving the house unsupervised as a teen, as well as a teen who wasn't allowed to have snakebites due to my mother using my braces as a stupid excuse to not let me have them.

My advice to you would be to do what I did to get around the controls of your folks: lie, sneak out, and do things behind their backs (including giving yourself piercings if you're absolutely certain that you know what you're doing and it's only something like an ear, nose, or lip piercing). Unless you live in Detroit or whatever, the world around you is probably not as dangerous and scary as you might think it is, but rather, quite the opposite (a lesson I've had to learn for myself in spite of my grandmother's paranoid preachings) and there are plenty of adventures you can go on outside the house. And the more you stay in, the worse you'll end up feeling in the long run, knowing you're missing out on important experiences and interactions with others.

Rebellion is what will ultimately set you free and hopefully spare your mental health before it's too late.

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