NOT a vent, just a weird kind of serious dream I've had a lot lately
I've had this common dream lately. I wake up in an unknown room and I'm strapped to a hospital bed. Ex-friends and ex-lovers are circled around the bed. There are different stages to this dream. At first, it's everyone yelling at me for something I did wrong or could have done better in our relationship. At the end of the bed, stands a person I can't yet indefinity, their face is all blurry and static when I try to reach out and touch it. Not every past lover and past friend is there. Each time it's new ones. It's new people I've wronged. It's a new setting every time. But I stayed strapped down to the bed, only my arms moving. I can't speak for fight back. I may only cry. It's not a dream I like, but this isn't a nightmare. Don't take this as a vent. It's a weird dream. Lately there has been a pattern of people. Half way through the dream of someone yelling, I'm shoot out. I'm now sitting on a couch, up right. It's my old house from when I was 9 and my mother still lived in Louisiana, while my step-mother was alive. They aren't anywhere to be seen but I hear their voices. Two friends from an old group walk out, the old group is always different, always different people. The two sound just like them. They tell me something about getting me out the house. They mention my step sister and I set. I look over and see maybe 5 to 6 years old me walk in, she's sad. I hear music in the back ground but I can never seem to remember the song. I can't speak expect the yes sir, yes ma'am, the basics. I'm in a suit, I look like I do when I was the ring holder in October for a wedding. I only make out the words "your funeral". Which is weird because I'm sitting in front of you, right here. I'm once more shot out of the room, this is the third stage. I'm shoot either into three places. A courtroom, the first speech and debate school cafe, or the preform room of my first orchestra festival on sightreading. No matter what, the room is always empty. It smells of rain and cigarettes. I hear my speech ring through the halls. I can move in this stage. I'm in an expensive outfit. The floors are sticky and so are the tables/stands. It's the worst stage. Everyone is gone. My throat feels like it's closing slowly. My breathing comes to a pause more than once. My hands are shaky and I feel as if I just vomited. I feel if I just got a punch straight to my sternum. I feel it again and then wake up.
Anyways my other dreams are pretty sigma besides this one soooo it's #whatever
A Dream.
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