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Category: Life

my FIRST blog entry :)


i am an adult 

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honestly i dont know how to start this off but im going to start writing entries every day to see if it improves my mental health! 

BUT i hate the fact that im STRUGGLING with work rn. i had TWO jobs and i still didnt have enough to move out. i quit one because they cut my hours and im getting another one but im probably going to try to work at a hospital or something because i need more money to save. also my parents made me a saving account (since i was a kid) AND THEY WONT LET ME HAVE ACCESS TO IT????? ive asked what they made it for when i was 15 and they said "ITS FOR YOUR FUTURE" so it is now the future and i still cant have access to it :/ my biggest goal for this year is to work even harder and save enough so i can at least move out by december. ive given myself a good year but i still have to pay for my phone and other daily needs because my parents think that having a roof over your head is enough, so saving up has been tought because as soon as i tuned 18 they asked for rent which was only $50 but at that time my paychecks were only like $75 :/ and currently the job i have they only have me working one day a week so ive only been able to eat the food at the house (which my parents never buy something for me unless i ask them to/ when they go shopping they always think about what my little brother would want and i dont get anything) even though i survive off of saltine crackers, tortias and peanut butter wraps, and seltzer water i dont feel appreciated in this house. i clean the house on saturdays, do the laundry on tuesdays and thursdays, wash dishes, and always ask if they want me to do anything else. on top of that i dont think they take my mental health seriously because im not trying to unalive myself anymore... ill probably get into that another day LOL. but i honestly hate the economy, inflation has made everything 10x more expensive than it was in 2016 (even though i was a kid i KNOW stuff was WAYYY cheaper) but yeah today ive compained about work, money, and parents. life sucks.

1 Kudos


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