Opinions about 1984 (SPOILERS)
So...I have finished the book. I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, but I did not get the hype. ( ̄ ‘i  ̄;)
When I decided to buy it:
For years I have seen people recomending the book and a few years ago a friend told me that he read it, he was not very thrilled about it, although the concept of the world that the story was in catched my eye. When I'm planning to read something I try to know as little as possible, so my feelings throughout the read are genuine.
Book in Question:
I divide the book in three parts: Winston Daily Life, The "Love" Story, The Betrayal.
Winston Daily Life, thats when I saw most of what I was looking for, a description of The Big Brother regime, I knew there was goig to be some kind of revoltion situation in the book, so I got excited to understand the different ministries and roles the citizens had, but when Winston said he wanted to do some hideous acts to a woman I hated him inmediately, also other behavior made me stop caring for him.
The "Love" Story, I know the characters are repressed in many ways, but I was so sick and tired about their relationship, I felt like most of the book was about them doing stuff at Mr. Charrington room, this section of the book made me lose all hope I had of it to be good...And is it just me or you also never felt like they had love for eachother? romantically i mean\(゚ー゚\). Also don't like her character, but It is the way she is, so uninterested about the topics Goldstein wrote about, to understand her surrounds, but I get that the character is like that on porpuse.
The Betrayal, when they got caught I thought it was a well done part, I devour that section, because I could imagine the design of the place, I was intrigued about what was going to happen to the protagonist even though I did not like him, and at the same time to discover what happend to the people that were arrested. I DID NOT expect him to be alive at the end, so yeah...It was surprise after surprise.
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