need advice

sometimes i wish my boyfriend could walk in my shoes for a day, or any womans shoes for that matter. we went to get some groceries yesterday and i wasnt wearing a bra cause like i wanna be comfortable and whatnot, thats pretty normal ya know? nope totally not a normal thing apparently to my boyfriend. he gets such an attitude if i dont wear a bra in public and i get where he's coming from cause some people are preverted but at the same time...bras hurt dude, and i have scoliosis so it really hurts my back, and its not like my boobas are very big im pretty flat so i really dont think anyone is gunna be attempting to make eye contact with my nipples. And men are going to objectify me in someway either way if im wearing a bra or not. so if im gunna be objectified im at least going to be comfortable while doing so ykwim? is this a valid thought proccess or am i tweaking?

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your completely valid! I hope you brought this up with your boyfriend because I know it doesn't feel nice hearing someone practically commenting/controlling what your wearing. If it helps, you can always wear sticky bras!

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yeah ive brought it up a few times in our relationship it just doesnt seem to get through to him but oh well lol, thanks for the advice!

by xXplaguedrottenXx; ; Report