someone please tell me the difference between friendship and romance

what is the difference? like please guys let me yap and give me some advice

hello everyone, this is my first blog on spacehey.  i'm gonna start a blog where I just yap about this kind of stuff, or just random stuff idk ok lets get into it

So my problem I'm having a hard time distinguishing the lines between platonic feeling and romantic feelings.  I understand the difference in relationships, though.  Like cuddling, kissing, etc. are seen as romantic and are things you'd do in a romantic relationship.  Now i am possibly asexual so i would not like to bring the freaky into the matter.  People can have romance without that.

I don't understand the difference in feelings, though.  Like maybe I do want to have a "romantic" relationship but that doesn't mean I necessarily have romantic feelings.  Or like wanting to stay friends doesnt mean the feeling have to be platonic.  Another thing I'd like to mention is I believe I sometimes mistake anxiety and/or nervousness for butterflies.  In my belief butterflies are supposed to feel good, but my previous crushes would always make me like nervous i guess :(  This means that I actually have no idea whether or not I actually liked these people.

Now lets get to my current situation.  I'm not sure if I like this person because I don't feel the way I did for my previous crushes.  I don't have any like nervousness and butterflies.  Maybe I just want to like be friends but have more like physical touch/hugging or cuddling idk.  But I DO want to like them, I'm just not sure if I genuinely do.  They confessed to me a while back, and I basically just told them my problem, and they understand.  We stayed friends, but sometimes they tell me they want something more but I'm just scared im lying to myself about this.  can someone PLEASEEEEE help me with this because i'm crashing out :33

1 Kudos


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