Did I hit my 2024 resolutions? (+ this year's goals)

Well, it's been a while lol. Sorry. But I think it's time I go over my 2024 new year's resolutions and set new resolutions for 2025.

Before anything, I just want to say that I think I accomplished some stuff last year! Maybe not as much as I would have hoped, but overall, it was a pretty good year for me personally. I participated in a fanzine, which was pretty great. I went to an art show, which was such an amazing experience. I tried something really above my level for my web development final project, which was really fun even if I didn't get it to work properly. Yeah. 😌

Anyway, let's get into it lol

2024 resolutions review

1. Pass 1 class

I DID IT!! Lmao. Not only that, I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES (with varying success, but hey, a win's a win)! It was difficult at times, especially with the summer semester class. Those are really rushed, unlike fall and spring semesters. Thank god I won't have to retake any of those classes. This was the most important resolution and I did it!

2. Create a neocities site

I was also able to do this one, although I didn't really get very far or finish it lol. But to be fair, I set the bar low and said even a simple site would count. So I did it! I was trying something with the navigation menu that didn't quite work, and the images are glitched out now, so I'm trying to fix that. Also, I was busy and wasn't able to work on it as much after a while.

3. Start actually working on my fancomic idea

...Yeahhh, I guess I'd say I did this. I didn't make as much progress as I'd like, but I managed to get a rip of the models from the game from someone, which allowed me to better learn how to draw the characters faithfully. I don't know if I'll have time this year to make significant progress, but I do have a few more story details in place than I did before, at the very least.

4. Improve my editing skills/practice more After Effects

So... funny story lol. I did not open After Effects a single time the entire year. Oops. I wish I did. So I didn't complete this resolution.

5. Upload 3 YouTube videos, seriously, as a content creator

Nope lol, not a single video. In hindsight, I set the bar way too high here.

6. Work on the Kart Kingdom Wiki more

Although I didn't get up to the goal I wanted (finishing all the blog post articles), I did fulfill this, I think. I was SO CLOSE to the end of the blog post articles too, like only a few months to the end! I also expanded on some of the event articles and stuff. So I'd say I still completed this resolution.

7. Read a novel

Yeah, I read I Am Princess X last year lol. So I did it!

So, I didn't get that pizza party. Sad. But overall, I didn't do too badly. 5/7 ain't bad. It's funny, I tried to underestimate myself with these resolutions but I still expected too much. Good to keep in mind for my...

2025 New Year's resolutions

Okay, this time I'm going to set resolutions and stretch goals for extra rewards. I think that will work better.

1. Pass ALL of my classes. I believe I can do it! I'd BETTER do it. Seriously, I need to hurry up and get my certificate already lol.

2. Celebrate Kart Kingdom's 10th anniversary properly. There's so much I could do, and I want to honor the game properly. I just want to get around to making some plans to make it special.

3. Make more art this year. I feel like my perspective on art and design has been refreshed this past year, and I'd love to beef up my portfolio, and just generally improve. I'm trying not to be too stressed about it because that's counterintuitive. Next semester I'm taking 2D Design so that should help me lol.

Stretch goals

- Put together a portfolio site. This should be mandatory but it depends on how things play out. Reward: PS4 game time for a week (or, I get to use the gaming consoles at my school).

- Work on my fancomic! I think I just need to take the leap and really try to get a chapter down. Reward: the satisfaction of FINALLY getting something done on this project lol

- Learn HTML Canvas. It's a necessary skill. Knowing it is the reward.

- Get an internship. I really don't think this will happen due to my specific circumstances, BUT on the off chance that it DOES, I should set the reward high. So if I get an internship... idk, I'll get to buy some of the more expensive things that have been on my wishlist lol, or something idk.

Yeah, I'm keeping it more focused this year lol. If I hit all my main resolutions, I'm still getting a pizza party :) party of one, of course (though I might celebrate over discord vc or something)

1 Kudos


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josie's profile picture

well done with your resolutions for 2024, i’m proud of you! and good luck with your resolutions for 2025, seems like a good idea to have som stretch goals as well :)

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Thanks! I'll try my best!

by Suzettey; ; Report