爪卂ㄒ's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

spacehey's inactive user base & a celebratory post about 400 group members!

Hello all!
First of all, big celebration...

I hit the 400 people mark on my group about visual kei! yay!

I wanted to celebrate this within the group, but alas... it's dead. quiet. in. there.
First i thought, hm, well... i suppose i might have missed chances to respond? so i checked all forum topics...
No ''recent'' member-created ones.
O-kayyy... i think to myself. maybe it's just my group. maybe visual kei fans dont like to blog. i suppose that's fine, so i go to check other groups.


how come so many groups have hundreds if not thousands of people, with recent entries within introduction channels, but NO FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS.
It is so rare to see any interaction on spacehey. and when you do, it's somebodies introductory post having 500 kudos?!
What happened to sharing hobbies! writing! art! Or fun daily notes, ideas, opinions... things you learned, things you read, music you listened to...

This site just grew, and it already seems dead! Is social media without doom-scrolling function just destined to be some kind of wasteland?
AAAAANYHOW. to make this post a little more positive... why not try answer this:

-favourite song of this week
-favourite thing about spacehey
-any hobbies or interests you have?

Maybe if we already comment that, we can get some conversation started....
Of course i again recommend you my group.. about visual kei, one of my interests! we know that Spacehey is still great for blogging... though i cheated on my favourites this week, and would say my song of this week is PONPONPON by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

2 Kudos


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marcel'le's profile picture

my favourite song of this week is prolly suicide drug by mercuro n my favourite thing about spacehey is making friends (almost at 300!). im getting into more oldschool kote/ iryou vkei recently... its so yum!

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crimson's profile picture

i just don't talk much on here anywhere but bulletins or the occasional blog for the most part bc i'm shy XD the forums and group sections rarely hear from me :,]

- "Dead To Me" by Palaye Royale
- it's easy to customize to feel homier, simple to understand, and quick to be able to find like-minded people (mainly alts for me, in my case lol)
- latin, singing, playing guitar, film and photography, large archive projects and US cultural history and alternative subcultural history (esp from the 80's til now hehe)

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I think thats the common conclusion…
Thanks for the reply!
Nice song choice :)

by 爪卂ㄒ; ; Report

thank you! ^-^

by crimson; ; Report


CodeintheInternet's profile picture

Congrats on the 400 mark on your group! Sadly people do change and move on from groups / drift apart from friends / spacehey in general. Making them forget about their accounts in the process.

But, for the part about spacehey being dead- you can interact with recently posted blogs that interest you! At least that's what I do, you can find another ways to make this site feel more lively to you.

- My fav music song this week is "Bliss - Klsr"
- Talking to people is the best activity on here for me!
- Browsing the web and sites for abnormal quirks, features and topics

Ta ta internet stranger, stay safe <3

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Thank you for the congratulations and the nicely typed out response! I have to agree. Scrolling blogs and bulletins is all ive been doing.
Also, nice song choice!

by 爪卂ㄒ; ; Report