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Category: Music


hii if anyone sees this then please give me music recommendations °∆° ?? You can look on my profile if you want a better idea of what I listen to already and what might be similar, but if you just want to tell someone about a band you like please leave it below !! If you want to you can tell me a bit about them I don't really mind I just love hearing about this stuff


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misstokenmetal's profile picture

bear ghost? I don't really listen to them that much, but I quite like Necromancin Dancin or Haunt, the Cartoon Heart. I actually find that suggested artists under the profiles of ones you like on Spotify are good if you want to find new artists that fans also like. That, or playlists with artists you like in them is a good way to find new stuff. There are a few albums/singles covers on my profile that might interest you? just scroll to them, and if you hover over them, I listed the artist names and the title of the album/single if you want to experiment or expand to other genres, but I'm not sure they're what you're looking for as they're very different to the stuff on your profile (it's also quite a mix of genres on there bc I specifically picked blue covers and they're certainly not ordered at all).

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Yo thank you so much!! I'll check out both them and what you have on your profile [:

by Meeko; ; Report

no problem. it's always nice to expand your music taste. I constantly try to expand my own in hopes of finding something that I truly enjoy.

by misstokenmetal; ; Report