1/13/2025 - Migration Review

Hello everyone, time for another review! this time of the movie "migration". This will probably be a pretty short one, simply because I have very little thoughts about it, not that it was trying to be a very thought provoking movie. I also watched it piss drunk, so that also contributes.

Migration is about a family of ducks that do not migrate, their father is a helicopter parent who is constantly worried about the safety of his family, and so he refuses to allow them to migrate with the other birds in fear of them getting hurt. One year, at the behest of his wife and kids, he begrudgingly accepts to migrate. Hijinks ensue.

Overall score: I am no longer ranking things numerically!

So what did I think about this movie? quite literally almost nothing, this was as classic as an illumination in-between-minions-sequal-265 as it gets. But I do have I guess some memorable aspects that I'll outline here:

The story itself mostly just follows the family with some wacky side characters as they travel through the world, so lets start with them. The family dynamics between the ducks is cute, they clearly love each other which I appreciate (it isnt a case of "damn my bitch wife" or "my stupid dad is stupid" or "my kids are RAMBUNCIOUS and EVIL") like they are very much just a non-perfect yet improving family. While this is inoffensive to the point of bland, its also SO lacking in typical tropes I was kind of surprised. Though I will say, because of the fathers prominence, as its mostly his mental journey, we don't see a lot of personality from the rest of the ducks.

The side characters are equally just OK, but I would dare to say a notch above the typical wacky illumination B-cast. I say that because for once there really wasn't a terrible gimmick character that made screentime unbearable, the parrot was fun, the pidgin was scrappy, the crane was "oh wow she is actually very nice" etc. So yeah, wahoo for slightly better B-cast.

I straight up dont remember the music, so dont even ask lol.

Finally: the villain, who was.... a copy of the Free Birds villain, he is a chef who REALLY wants to kill these damn ducks for some fucking reason, cause they freed his parrot I guess, I dont know. He was a McGuffin villain and I didnt care about him either way.

Visually the movie was good, as most illumination movies tend to be. It looked nice enough, again, very safe and bland, but hey for a movie about migrating ducks you dont really need to be redesigning cinema. 

That's all from me this time. See ya. 

0 Kudos


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