KittySalad's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

About Me!!

Full Name?: Audrey Ramsey

Who picked your name?: Parents lol

Birthdate?: Sep 28th, 2006

Birthplace?: Little Rock, Arkansas

Current city?: Little Rock, Arkansas

What grade are you in?: 12th!

Siblings?: 1 older brother and step siblings!

Hair color?: red rn!

Eye color?: hazel

do you tan or burn?: burn

favorite feature?: I like my lips :)

had/have braces?: 7th-10th grade

do you have long/short hair?: mid length

long/short nails?: short. I play guitar lol

height?: 5'1

shoe size?: 7 

go to perfume/body spray?: pheromone perfume oil

favorite color?: blue

favorite food?: sushi

favorite song currently?: Swallow - Kevin Atwater

favorite time of day?: bedtime

favorite season?: fall or summer

do you have any piercings?: ears

do you want more? where?: I want to get my nose done again, and belly button!

do you have any tattoos?: nope

do you want any more?: I want one!

least favorite food?: corn

favorite beverage?: lemonade or sprite

do you smoke?: yasss

drink regularly (once a week or more): nope

used drugs?: weed lol

drink coffee?: sometimes

vegetarian\vegan?: nope

sexual orientation?: omni with a male preference? I'm unsure!!

if you had to change your hair color, what would you change it to?: purple

know any other languages (except English)?: I used to be pretty good at danish!

want to learn more? which?: spanish

best subject at school?: psychology

least favorite?: Math

heritage?: huh?

do you work?: yep!

how long an you run for?: wat?

allergies?: none

do you collect anything?: crystals and tarot

what is your bedtime?: anywhere from 9 to 11

do you play any sports?: nope

what social networks are you on?: instagram, snapchat, tik tok, x

play any instruments?: guitar!

want to learn more?: yes! piano


strawberries/bananas?: apples

spring/fall?: fall

single/dating?: single :(

concealer/foundation?: concealer

big/small boobs?: erm...

math/english?: English

road trip/plane travel?: road trip

sun/moon?: both!

hoodies/jackets?: hoodies

wedding/no wedding?: wedding

country/r&b?: country

science/histroy?: history

highlighters/sharpies?: sharpies

musicals/plays?: musicals!

cake/cookies?: cookies

clubs/house parties?: house parties

Beach Boys/The Beatles?: The Beatles

pens/pencils?: pens

heels/flats?: heels

republican/democrat?: democrat

purse/tote?: purse

red/pink?: red

dreams/daydreams?: dreams

nose/lip piercing?: nose

bus/train?: train

Ice cream/sorbet?: ice cream

color/black tattoos?: color

TV shows/movies?: I dont like either

gum/mints?: mints

straight/curly hair?: curly

white/milk chocolate?: milk

Mac/Sephora?: Mac

frozen yogurt/smoothie?: frozen yogurt

burger/steak?: burger

uggs/other boots?: uggs or docs

shaving/waxing?: shaving

fish/rabbit as a pet?: neither

december/july?: July

necklaces/braceletts?: necklaces

tall/short?: short

beach/pool?: beach

toned/thin?: im fat lol

volleyball/soccer?: neither

horror/romantic movies?: both!

suntanning/fake tanning?: suntanning

reading/writing?: both

rollercoasters/ferris wheels?: ferris wheels

guitar/piano?: guitar

big/small sunglasses?: big

adopted/bought dog?: adopted

eye makeup/lip makeup?: eye makeup

beer/coca cola?: neither

xbox/playstation?: neither

studs/hoop earings?: hoop

laptop/desk top?: laptop

europe/america?: girl I've only ever been in America

pop/rock?: both

sweats/jeans?: jeans

backpack/tote?: backpack

sorority/no sorority?: nooo

macaroons/ice cream?: ice cream

flowers/chocolates?: is both an option?

body lotions/body butters?: body butters

dubstep/pop?: pop

department stores/thrift shops?: both

north/south?: north

french/spanish?: spanish

drawing/painting?: im bad at both

books/magazines?: books

cap/wide rimmed hat?: idk??

singing/dancing?: singing!

west/east coast? (USA): west

skiing/surfing?: haven't done either

christmas/halloween?: christmas

OPI/Essie? (Nail Polish brands): OPI

body mist/perfume?: perfume!

cocktail/mocktail?: cocktail

iphone/android?: iPhone

rain/snow?: rain

hats/scarves?: neither

Valentines day/easter?: valentines day

public/home school?: public

friends/lovers?: both!

city/suburbs?: I like both

asia/oceana?: asia

blondes/brunettes?: girl.. I'm a libra. I can't choose.

black and white/color photography?: color

flannel/silk PJs?: silk

summer/spring break?: summer

day showers/ night showers?: depends on how im feeling

snorkeling/deep sea diving?: snorkeling

american idol/x factor?: american idol

sparkling/still water?: still

lindt/godiva chocolate?: Godiva

tumblr/instagram?: instagram

Miami/LA?: haven't been to either

soup/salad?: soup

community college/university?: university

bikini/one piece?: one piece

baths/showers?: showers

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