To celebrate new years during the winter break me and my family went to London yay! I was really excited cuz I had been wanting to go there since i was in 7th grade (I was a huge directioner and I wanted to see the telephone booths irl lol) My main goal was to go to the new juicy couture store that opened in Westfield Stratford like I was DETERMINED to go there.
The first day we were there, we arrived at like 9 pm so we mainly just Checked into the hotel we were staying and went for a walk around, it was 31st December so we wanted to see the new year fireworks. We walked around to paddington station which was just like 2 or 3 blocks away from where we were staying and we saw a few fireworks from there. The wifi at the hotel was SO SHIT it made me wanna kms #badwifishouldntexist.
One of my favorite part about London was the underground subway it was so fun (except for when it smelt like alcohol and was really crowded that wasn’t fun) I feel like such a city girl when I take it. I went to the Madame Tussaud’s wax museum, it looked really nice in there I just kinda wish they had more cool celebrities in there ngl like why tf is drake there.. ew that same day we also went to ride a boat the moved around the London bridge it looked so pretty at night, I cant believe they made a bridge after the song by fergie lol.
There was this time we were on the train and i was pissy cuz like i wanted to stay in so we were going to the O2 outlet mall and while we were there the train said it terminates at stratford so i told my mom that we better go to westfield mall for juicy couture and WE DID YAY! i got kinda a lot from juicy i spent 356 pounds and my mom paid, thankz mom, i got hot pink track pants (the ones with the butt pockets) a blacj tracksuit, choose juicy t shirt it was the last one, a candle, and THE CUTESET PAIR ON SLIPPER OMG THEYRE WITH BLACK FUR AND DIAMONDS!! i bought a pink tracksuit for my sister who couldnt make it with us cuz of her internship in the ER and i also got her a bombshell lotion n perfume from victorias secret.
A few other things i had gotten we like a mean girls makeup bag from tk maxx, twilight book, limited edition diary of wimpy kid book, hello kitty mug, VS lip glosses pack and some more shit that i can name at the top of my mind.
On the trip back i watched the amazing spider, WHICH ACTUALLY WAS AMAZING I DONT GET HATE FOR IT, and the lego movie which is peak. i hung up the VS and juicy bags in my room they look so adorbz!

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