I just wanna talk about how much I LOVE Frutiger aero and see if anyone else have the same interest in it that I have, idk why but it brings such a nostalgic feeling to me. Like every time I listen to the sound of it or see a picture of it or anything with the same color as it brings me the deepest feeling of nostalgia and it makes me really happy but also gives me a small sad feeling, I wish I could teleport my body into every image of Frutiger aero that I see, I love the 3D stuff, the blue and green colors and the clean vibe it has, when I was a kid my biggest wish was for the future to look like the Frutiger aero aesthetic, unfortunately that definitely didn’t happen and it really disappointed me.
Now I feel like nobody talks about Frutiger aero anymore and most people have no nostalgic connection to it either which I find really weird. Frutiger aero gives me the best feeling ever but the only things that give me that feeling are the images of it and the music, I have never seen a movie or show that gives off the Frutiger aero vibe except the movie “Meet the Robinsons” could anyone recommend any show or movie to me with that aesthetic, it would mean a lot to me tbh.
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Hell yeah futiger aero! ٩( ᐛ )و
Omg yes, it's so freaking nostalgic, I'm still obsessed with the music associated with it! It definitely has that nostalgic feeling, I remember sitting at the computer at my grandma's house and just staring at the wallpaper cause I didn't know how to use a keyboard yet (HAHA can you believe that????!! (ノ´∀`*))
I think for a lot of people they feel nostalgia and sadness is because it reminds them of their childhood and days on the internet that were simpler. Also because every company is trying to be so "simplistic" nowadays. Futiger aero just scratches that ONE PART OF YOU BRAIN!. (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و
By simplistic I mean in style and visuals
by fishyfishycatfish; ; Report
Unfortunately I can't recommend any shows off the top of my brain but there are plenty video essays on yt on it. Idk why you'd think no one talks about it, I thought its a pretty popular topic, but ig that's just me (-ω-;)
by fishyfishycatfish; ; Report
YES this is exactly how I feel, Frutiger vibe just gives me so much nostalgia, I still use my crappy old windows 7 because it still has that old part to it that gives me nostalgia and gives me an amazing feeling, every time I use it it’s like going back to my childhood. I just wish everyone was obsessed with Frutiger aero so more people talked about it, only when I talk about Frutiger aero is when I feel genuine happiness.
by Aliaaa; ; Report
Awww, yes! It is a really awesome astetic! I wish that more places in real life took inspiration from it also! Like nail salons, spas, offices and maybe even hospitals(ˊ˘ˋ*), I feel like it immediately gives a place more personality and it does a good job of calming people down!
by fishyfishycatfish; ; Report
Yesss, more places should use the Frutiger aero aestethic because the bright colors, bright blue sky, green gras and just everything about it spreads so much happiness and gives a calming feeling, so many places today look so depressing because many people like to style places with darker colors because it “looks better” but to be honest it just looks more boring and depressing. Frutiger aero in the 2000s used to be the promised future, that was the inspiration for how future cities were supposed to look like, I remember liking how happy it made me because it really gives off a positive vibe looking at it, sadly the world chooses to use minimalism instead and that’s what most people are moving forward to now. It’s pretty sad tbh.
by Aliaaa; ; Report
Yeah, it is, Im sure the astetic and those alike will resurface eventually, perhaps a bit diffrent but with the same look! It's simply too good to forget!
by fishyfishycatfish; ; Report