After our last gig we started to think how cool it would be to have our own training room. At the moment we practice twice a week but they are related to day and time so we can't go whenever we want or be as long as we want. So we thought it would be fun to have own place so we could just go and practice as much as we want.
So we started looking for places and found one with not even so bad rent. The issue came when we started looking for equipment we need. They cost quite a lot even secondhand.
Plus I talked with my dad about this and he pointed out the gigs too. Like do we want the same equipment for both training and gigs or do we buy two sets separately. And do we want ear monitors or what kind of monitors we need. Blabla ect. ect.
So if you have any tips or anything please send me a message or comment on this blog, we really need some help!
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V4M! :D
First I would suggest to buy a laptop between you and your band members. Therefore you could connect everything to it and have a possible music software downloaded to it. =)
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