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Category: Music

So Tired of Terrible Artists!

Sigh... there's always one rotten egg in my playlist that I fall in love with, and then find out they're a piece of shit. :TΒ 

Especially when there's no indication through their songs that there's something wrong. For the most part, Gezebelle Gaburgably didn't include politics in her stuff at all... and then one day I look her up to learn more, and I find out one of her genres is straight up "Incelcore." Super racist and disgusting under the guise of free speech. And the stuff about endorsing shootings...?!

It's hard to keep her songs around at all when I know, which sucks because they'd been really catchy and good. Don't want to look for too similar of stuff considering what things are lurking around. Maybe I should've suspected something from hearing the r-slur in her top song. I guess I'll keep my Fraxiom and LustSickPuppy. (Β¬_Β¬")

The cover of Gezebelle Gaburgably's 2023 album, Gaburger.

Boooooo..... and the crowd goes booooo.....

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