The reason I stumbled upon this website was that I’m searching for other social media platforms besides Instagram and TikTok. I’m fully convinced that, sooner rather than later, they will completely erase the idea of uniqueness and the ability to comprehend different perspectives.
Firstly, I want to address the issue of "virtual bubbles." I'm not sure if this is widely known or discussed right now, but it basically refers to the social consequences of personalized algorithms on every social platform we use. It’s believed that these algorithms may cause biases towards personal interests, and while that’s fine to some extent, the problem arises when they also lead people to close their minds to certain topics. This happens because people only receive information that matches their personal opinions.
Without mentioning the obvious, social media and globalization have changed how we perceive the world as a society. They’ve opened doors that I believe we will never be able to close again. Teenagers today not only compare themselves with their neighbors but also with people all around the world. These people often promote unhealthy lifestyles in an attempt to achieve an unrealistic epitome of perfection, and 9 out of 10 times, they aren't even real. This is all correlated with capitalism, which, since its inception, has tried to sell us happiness—whether it’s a brand-new shampoo bottle or the perfect body. I don’t intend to get political by criticizing this economic model, as I understand we need something to live off. However, we need to understand that this model is no longer viable in our society. People are getting sicker every day—both mentally and physically—because they are not fully developing as humans. We must not forget that we are animals who need certain activities to grow healthily. All this over-information is consuming every last bit of our brains, leaving no space for creativity. To create is to exist, to be unique, and to be free. I believe we are all born as geniuses: creative, inspiring, and most importantly, curious. This is what has driven all our scientific discoveries.
Lastly, I want to point out that my only purpose is to raise awareness about what and how we are consuming in this modern world. If we use it right, we could create so many things, and hopefully, I will wait for that day to arrive. We are always at the right time to change and become more of ourselves, because we are not talking about better or worse; there only exists "is"—because we are—and that should be the only way we strive to live.
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I have only used this site for less than a day, but it differs from other social media I've been on - Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and Tumblr. The lack of a personalized algorithm, as you said, is what allows SpaceHey to differ from other forms of social media. Truthfully, I'm still getting used to how this site works. Amid the slow loading times, and still learning how the hell HTML works, it really is an old-school site.
I was born in '06, so admittingly, I have no idea how old social media sites work compared to the new ones. Having no algorithm means I have to manually search for stuff, and a part of me is a bit annoyed by that... but, I think there's a benefit to being a simple site without the algorithms that modern social media sites have.
And yeah, Capitalism is one hell of a drug for people. You're right to criticize it - the model correlates to numerous issues you've stated in your post when it comes to how the modern user interacts with the internet as a whole.
I agree with all of your points.
I appreciate your feedback, truly hoping you figure out this site because I haven't either...
by MJR; ; Report