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Category: School, College, University

✮ College Class Advice ✮

✮Hello everyone!!✮

This quarter I'm taking history, biology, and retaking precalculus (1), and I was wondering if anyone had any advice that'd help me out!!

You can fr rant under this post, anything would help.

Thank you!! Happy New Year by the way, and I hope everyone passes all their college classes this year!!

- West ✮

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holly's profile picture

hi! khan academy has lots of videos and practice quizzes (with explanations) if u ever get stuck on something in precalc! for your other classes i recommend using quizlet flashcards. it kinda depends on the prof and how well their tests are related to the lectures/hw... but i think itll help! IF U GET STUCK, GO TO OFFICE HOURS!

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Thank you so much!! ✮✮
I have always held off from using Khan Academy but I'm taking this comment as a sign, lol

by West; ; Report


Ceaser.salad's profile picture

Hiii, I hope you are doing well this quarter!!!
Basically, the most important thing you need to know is to read and review your lecture material before class starts. You can ask about things that you were confused about during class if you studied before class. Do all your assignments on time (IK it's really simple but I sometimes forgot about it and got some bad grades because of it :/)
You got this!!!

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For real I have a really hard time remembering assignments!!
Thank you so much!! ✮✮

by West; ; Report