Biggest hugest credit to for everything, really. Currently my web page is the shittier version of hers, but I promise I will develop it to my liking soon after my finals, well not really I still have that website I promised for one of my professors in uni. But that's for another day.
Anyway, for the main tech, I use 11ty. I'm really tempted to switch to vanilla React, I really do. But then I would need to make everything from scratch. Implement an SSG, templating stuff, all of the plugins (especially the image one), and some more stuff I just have no time to deal with. That being said, I have not utilised the markdown feature in 11ty at all. All I've done currently is just make custom non reusable .njk files. And I probably wouldn't use the blogging feature there as well. I really like spacehey, specifically blogging in spacehey for some reason though, probably because there is that slight possibility people actually read some of my stuff. :sob:
Another tech I use is That's where I store my source code and where stuff gets built using their CI. I could probably get away with just uploading my _site folder (as that's basically what the CI is doing) to the pages repository, but hey, CI looks aND sounds cooler, alright?
Also, I think there is no similar feature (what I mean is a simple tweet-like feature) in spacehey like (awesome website btw) which just means I'll continue using and I don't think there is an API here as well, so I won't be able to fetch stuff I write here. Did a bit of research and saw a reddit post from 3 years ago asking the same question and the answer is no. But I did come across an interesting concept- POSSE- which I probably wouldn't use just because that sounds like a pain and it sounds like a paid service (100k business idea here)
Okay let's stop writing. I have to study for my finals. I'm not a psychologist or anything I'm barely a person but I think the reason I wrote this blog post is because I want to avoid studying. :crying_sobbing:
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