hai! this is technically a re-do but i want to start using spacehey to document my goals and interests for this year while just writing and being more creative! im planning on making blogs for music i listen to, shows i go to, and just writing my ideas out on how i grow through this year (≧∇≦) graduating and going to college is going to be a big step for me and i want something to help keep track of how i change and i love this site so i want to use it more!! but here is my actual intro :
name: ginger!
age: 17, my bday is july 25th :3
prns: she/her and he/him!
likes: games, music, baking, art, writing, journaling, kind people!
dislikes: bugs of any kind (esp. spiders) , seriously mean ppl (being sarcastic and stuff is ok, j clarify if i ask), uncomfy/unnecessary jokes!! j be quiet!
feel free to message/add me if we have similar interests!

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francis, fran
we are very similar! at least on the macro scale. but we are very different.. for example, i like bugs (although many scare me greatly)
nice to meet you!!
Its nice to meet you too!! i actually really like rollie pollies!! but for the most part bugs just get to me a little too much,,
by ginger; ; Report