hi everyone!
this is my first blog post ever lolol. my hands were scratching to write something and while scrolling through profiles and other posts, one question popped inside my head - what is wrong with some of these people??
sometimes I wish I could just peek into other people's heads and figure out what makes them think certain thoughts and say certain things. like what is the point of ragebaiting? what do you gain in the end, after all of those comments of 'oh that's not-'?
well, it might be the satisfaction of thinking that you're not like tHe OtHeR gIrLs and you're so edgy by TrIcKiNg ThE sYsTeM but like... okay? do we invited bella hadid?
and also edgelords... no, Michael, you're not funny if you're typing out racial slurs. like, what do people achieve by being hateful for no reason? a standing ovation? a group of like-minded individuals, laughing and pointing fingers at anyone but themselves?
you're just wasting your own time and making an idiot out of yourself PUBLICLY.
anyway, I just wanted to rant on here before going to sleep lolol spread positivity and don't forget to brush your teeth yall.
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