i’ve been thinking a lot lately about how sometimes, things just don’t turn out the way you expect them to. like you have all these plans and ideas in your head, but reality just does its own thing. and that’s totally fine, right? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) it’s just life doing its thing. but i can’t help but feel like i get caught up in wanting everything to be perfect, especially when I see other people with their happy, calm moments.
sometimes i wonder if my idea of “perfect” is even real, does that make sense? like a perfect relationship or a perfect life, something i thought would just magically happen. but thinking about it more, i realize i’ve learned that it’s okay to not have everything figured out all the time. i think i used to be obsessed with finding the “right” person, the “right” thing to do, all of that. but even if it’s not perfect, it doesn’t mean it’s not worth it (≧∀≦)
i guess my ex kind of taught me that, though not in the best way… (⊙_☉) he always wanted everything to be perfect. he’d get mad over the smallest things, like if i wasn’t acting how he wanted me to or if plans didn’t go exactly as he imagined. at that time, i thought that’s how it should be. everything needed to be flawless to be happy. but, looking back, i see it wasn’t about being happy at all, it was just about him keeping control over a situation. i’ve realized i’m way more okay just figuring things out as they come. even on days when i’m feeling all kinds of confused, it’s okay to not have it all figured out. i guess that’s how life works, right? messy but realistic
and maybe that’s what makes it all so special. even when things go wrong or turn out differently than i expected, i still have things to look forward to. maybe it’s a day with my friends, or getting a new camera to try out. little things like that make life feel a little bit more fun and bright, even on cloudy days (≧◡≦)
i think i’m just slowly learning to be okay with the messiness. it’s like when i’m walking through the fields near my house, and i see the little flowers growing in random places. some are a little bent, or out of place, but they’re still so cute and pretty in their own way. i think life’s a little like that too. messy but cute and meaningful in its own special way.
and even though i don’t always have all the answers, i’m happy that I’m learning more about myself and the world every day (≧ω≦)
Displaying 20 of 47 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Perfection is subjective, really. Most people think it isn't and that perfection means you've got it all figured out, but that's just not true. Life's about being messy and having some chaos here and there, as well as doubts and regrets and all that stuff. It's fine to change your mind, it's fine to not feel happy all the time as well as it's perfectly fine to not feel fully accomplished in certain things. As long as you collect experiences that make you grow and make you enjoy life, that's all that matters.
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making mistakes is exactly what makes us human and i think thats so cool!! sumtimes i forget just how nice the little things can be ^_^
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You're gonna go nuts if you wanna everything to be all slick and perfect. It's not possible, and you'll just end up losing more nerve cells than usual, which is... yeah, not very cool. I agree on this post, hands down.
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jak dobrze ze nie mam dla kogo sie zbytnio starac dlatego nie musze robic wszystkiego na sto procent pozdro 600
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jak dobrze ze nie mam dla kogo sie zbytnio starac dlatego nie musze robic wszystkiego na sto procent pozdro 600
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YAYAYYAY!!!!!!≧❂◡❂≦ RIGHT??? So many things are beautiful in its own way. Sometimes it gets messy, but sometimes, it's so pretty! Keep going on learning! There're a LOT more beautiful things to discover in life!!!!! ☜(*▽*)☞
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It’s soooo true, cuz I think I always want everything to be perfect and I get stressed about it! But sometimes u have to let it go and be the way they have to be
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holy yap
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Your brain is fried if you can’t read this,your cooked 🫡
by angry bosnian dude; ; Report
beautiful writing, i love this <3
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Yes absolutely!! I've come to realize another thing related to this that a lot of people, including myself, get caught in the loop of, which is always trying to be happy. Which is very unrealistic, just like perfection. Perfect is something that none of us will ever be, and that's okay! Happiness is a temporary state of being that isn't supposed to be a long term thing. If we were always happy, we would never go through hard times which makes us grow. Instead, I think that it's better to strive for peace, as it is something that can be used in all types of situations. Like in disagreements- instead of arguing, try to come to an understanding and make peace. Anyway, I'm yapping. Love this!! :)
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mari !
in fact, i don't think anybody has all the answers, and that's perfectly okay ! the least we can do to help is support one another along the way .
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when looking at other's lives it is easy to become captivated by the "perfectness" of their lives and how they seem to have it all figured out and living a great life. but i feel as if almost everything is a facade, i've never seemed to meet anyone who actually has everything figured out, and i'm not saying that everyone is awful and confused, i'm saying nothing is perfect and nothing will ever be perfect so i agree we should become comfortable in the messiness in our lives and not attempt to be comparable to other's display of their lives
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all these comments and this blog r making me feel sonder how nice ^^
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I love the Dictionary of obscure sorrows too
by Subwoofer; ; Report
oh thats so real me too me too
by izzyyyy; ; Report
Life is like a deck of cards you can't control the hands you're dealt but you decide how you play them
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by itsme_sia; ; Report
I feel like the imperfection of life is what makes it "perfect" so to say. The chaos and unpredictability of human existence is what gives our strive for peace and enjoyment in it worth it. For wtvr the goal it is you're looking for to be worth it there has to be some sort of struggle for it. Idk just my thoughts; good on you for getting through what you were dealing with tho! ^.^
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YES ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Finally someone that says it because life...well life is just life. Just live it who cares after all...(人*´∀`)。*゚+
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YES ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Finally someone that says it because life...well life is just life. Just live it who cares after all...(人*´∀`)。*゚+
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Skrunkly Fops
I believe that any mortal concept of "perfect" is inherently flawed. Free will means that there are billions of ideas of a "perfect" world. Even if any two or more people have agreed upon such a concept, idealism and utopian concepts always burn out within one or two generations. Self-awareness, vigilance, and accountability all lead to a happier, healthier personal life and society overall. One of my mottos in life is "Low expectations, high standards." Never set yourself up for disappointment, but also never be afraid of failure. Things almost never go exactly the way we hope, but that's just a part of life. Perfection is unattainable this side of heaven, but we can choose to be content, and we can choose to strive for greatness. Godspeed, and have a great day/night.
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★ ᴍᴇʟᴢᴏɴᴀ ★
Yeah, exactly! It’s like when you’re all hyped for a sunny day to hit the beach or the pool, but it ends up raining—and that’s okay! You can’t stop the rain, but you can still chill at home or throw on a jacket and mess around in the street. And who knows? Maybe by the end, there’ll be a rainbow lighting up the sky. Maybe the key is learning to hug the rainy clouds so they stop pouring down on you!
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Compleeetlyy agree with that. Sometimes things just turn out completely different as you first wanted them to be. Really nice Post ;)
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