WHAT THE FUCK UUUUGGH bro I do whatever I can for him. reply the second he texts me. I play when he wants too. Even if I'm tired or exhausted. Or just not up to it at all. I make sure I look cute and good before every single call. I make sure I wear something cute and sexy for him. And I never wear the same thing twice usually. I try and be flirty back And I try to play into his cringey scenarios sometimes. And I ALWAYS Drop everything to respond to him even if i'm busy. I asked him for some more attention and ir just feels like he's doing the opposite. At most he'll look at me fore a few seconds. Lately he's just been browsing the internet looking for stupid brain rot shit to send me when I just wanna talk to him and for him to talk to me. Just talk to me. Please. Just tell me something. I want our long covos back and staring into each other and making silly faces. I feel like he's just..fading?
In sometimes he takes hours to respond He wears the same thing every day. He rarely uses "i" when he says he loves me or sorry. And the "i" in I'm sorry and I love you is VERY. Important
And that's stupid fucking hat He's like a skeleton so boney even i'm jealous He looks more and anorexic than I do. And I make a few kill myself jokes and suddenly i'm in the wrong. Let me make jokes about my shitty life so I can feel better about the shit life.
I still love him. Fucks sake.
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