why is school so d-mb

starting this off, hi my name is fefe and i hateee the school system. whether you are reading this or not, i know most of you do too. maybe not all schools do this, but i know mine does. 

1. pile you with work. im starting off strong for this one. how are teachers going to complain about their job, when they are getting paid to point at a screen and read off a book for the day. i would MUCH rather do that then get piled with work 7 hours a day, and go home and KEEP working for 4+ hours. 

2. summer break. they make us go to school for 9 months, and only give us 3 months out. i think it should be either 4 or 5 months instead because 3 months is barely even one quarter at my school. its not enough time to let us rest, even if it seems like it.

3. teachers complaining. so like i said in #1, they pile us with work and make us go home and do it. but then those same teachers complain that they dont want to go home and grade the work that they literally GAVE US? i guess im just not understanding what all theuir fuss it about, plus, usually teachers are over 30, and we are only 18 and below unless we are in college.

4. schools should start later. i know tons of schools are different, and you may be lucky, but my schools first bell rings at 7;35 in the morning, and i get on the bus at 6:45. how are they going to tell us to get a good amount of sleep but also give us work that would stay up, and also i know this isnt the teachers fault, but we also cant get enough sleep unless we go to bed at 7:30-8:00.. 

anyway, thats my rant for the night. 

xoxo fefe

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