Good evening, when registering on this site, for some reason it seemed to me that the first and most important thing on any user’s page would be his blog. But maybe I was looking in the wrong place or else, but so far I have formed exactly this impression. So I decided to start with myself.
Dear reader. Some time ago I got a new device, after which I, like everyone else, decided that it would be cool to decorate it. And when, after much searching, I didn’t find anything that would suit me, i decided to make it myself. Great idea, i know, please don't laugh in caps in comments. I started a couple of days ago, and before we move on to the sillily willy results, I'll try to go into detail.
Well, I draw in ibis paint, which is a completely different story, and it was this time that I decided to use the pixel art technique, which I hadn’t touched for almost a year. A complete slay, a complete new experience(a lot of drama in the post). And if someone is watching the original project speed paint now, it seems as if all this time I was mindlessly moving around the screen in even attempts. But in fact it was pure freestyle, rakamakafo and other things that art historians of the lower Internet use. As for the idea, the frame was: collage. Everything else, I proudly declare to you, was not there. So when I laid myself a comfortable pillow so that it would not be so painful to fall, let's move on to the results.
Results of the work: thank God it was done. But poorly.
I don't know how it works, you can teach me later, but my laptop shamelessly eats up all the pixels on anything that begins with "wall- and ends with -paper". After that, more that I have never done, basically forgetfulness that kindly allowed me to forget everything like a bad dream, including the idea. And in short, here we are: I will try to substitute the girl and her elongated fingers in a separate post, and a screenshot of my desktop will be the cherry on the cake of this story.
In words it was good idea.
upd:I haven't posted anything on the internet for a long time, I'm worried.
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