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Category: Life

getting philosophical (idk how 2 spell that)

i was talking 2 my friend about this earlier right after having a conversation based on ONLY brainrot but its quite intresting so i thought id share idk. this might be kinda long but my first longgg blog ig?

so basically ive always thought this, do we acc have a choice in anything? or is it alll laid out 4 us. ur probably thinking obviously we all have a choice what a dumb thing to ask but do we rlly? i have these 2 views on life that i CANT PICK WHICH ONE I BELIEVE MORE IN??? 

so the first view would be that yes, we do all have a choice in everything. we have our own minds and choose how our on future goes. that we choose choices, maybe because of previous choices we made but mainly bc we choose that choice. thats the simpler view, in summary just that we choose our choices from our own minds and concsiousness.

the next view is more complicated. i didnt even know this one was a theory other people have thought about before until i saw it on the internet and turns out its not an original thought </3 i need to find a way to word this. ill start by giving some scenarios. lets say you have a big decision to make, lets say you have to choose between 2 jobs; job 1 being more enjoyable for you but doesnt pay aswell as the other but you have a flexible schedule. job 2 is less enjoyable, but pays alot, but also has a less flexible option.lets say you choose job 2 and you chose it because you need the money. you probably think its your choice to choose that but is it? or is it the universe? (in my idea i see this as the universe but some people can replace this with god). what i mean by this is that you chose job 2 because it pays more right? but the universe knew you were going to make this decision previously, since the universe knows everything (especially how your life will go throughout becuase the universes chooses the plan for your life and already knows everything that will occur) and has already planned out this decision. if you were to choose differently, the universes plan wouldnt go accordingly in future decisions since the universe has this plan for you. sorry went on a bit of a tangent there, but back to you choosing job 2 beacuse it pays more. you chose it for that reason because your having financial issues. this happened thruough something such as maybe addiction (gambling, drink, smoking, drugs etc.),  losing a great amount of money (scammed, hacked or stolen) or anything along them lines. the idea is that the universe caused them events to occur previously so you would choose the choice of job 2. and its possible that the universe also made you lowkey broke so you cose job 2 so you then choose another choice in future choices.

another example is lets say you have to choose between 2 boys and you choose boy 1 because hes been nicer to you lately. the universe made him act nicer SO you would pick him because the universes plan wasnt for you to choose the other boy, but for you to choose this boy. so overall you think its you choosing the choice but could it be the universes plan for you to choose that choice? so it causes events in your life to happen so when the time comes for you to pick a choice you choose the choice it wants you to choose? do you see what i mean now by your not acctually picking a choice, the universe is picking a choice for you

anyways i hope that wasnt too complicated ik i mightve worded it weirdly but just thought id share d:

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