I really want a bf..or a girlfriend I’m not picky

Bro I really want a boyfriend or girlfriend..guys and girls are so fine and pretty and cool but I literally do not know how to flirt for the life of me,I’m so fucking awkward I’m pretty sure the closest thing I’ve ever done that might be considered flirting is staring at someone.

I need help,if anyone reading this has ever been in a relationship how did you start talking to them?

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t0ny th3 1d01t

t0ny th3 1d01t's profile picture

ive been in 2, id reccamend finding someone with some shared intrests as you, and make sure they're trustworthy, and on the talking to them part, idk

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berry's profile picture

tbh, i dated back in sixth grade but only for a week since i felt awkward in the rs. but what i did was just make small talk like how you’d do with friends and carry the conversation from there. maybe asking basic questions? for example a tvshow or life experience and try relate with one another from there.

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Rombred's profile picture

I'd say it naturally happens, no? I've not /too/ much experience in dating, I've only had the chance to in 8th, I'm in 11th now.
It'll come naturally, I don't think flirting is the 'absolute' way neither, I believe it's all natural though which is the most I could put it without going through that sappy-corny manner.

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