- Take better care of myself! (Remembering to brush my teeth twice a day, staying on top of my asthma medicine, keeping my tails trimmed, etc.)
- Exercise and go on more walks. I want to try to loose around 10 pounds this year.
- Continue to read more about Roman history for my Latin club.
- Keep my grades to A’s or above!
- Actually study for this year’s state mandarin competition and send more time working on my speaking part.
- Eat healthier and try to avoid foods that mess with my colon. (Ulcerative colitis mean)
- Get a job to save up some money for college in addition to what my parents already set aside for me.
- At least try to get better at not procrastinating.
- Keep up to date with my friends!
- Just survive I guess.
Thats about all I can think of. I might come up with more later but who knows. Happy new year to everybody! Also good luck on your resolutions if you have them, and if not, that’s okay too!!!
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