(Re-do introduction since nobody even saw mine from last year and I wanna start fresh)
Helloooo!! My name is Sereni/Mimi and I am 17 years old. I love Fashion especially Jfashion. I am really into lolita right now and I also want to try decora, gyaru, and fairy kei. Other things I like are late 00s-early 2010s media, LPS (littlest pet shop), music, antique/vintage dolls, cats, bugs (new small but growing interest of mine) and quite a lot of other stuff but these are the mains (you can also check my profile for possibly other info as well).
Music that I listen to are alternative, old kpop, jpop, speedcore, nightcore, vocaloid, literally almost anything except country.
What I plan in the future is to open a online small business where I sell alternative and Jfashion inspired accessories and possibly clothes ^_^. I also want to create youtube videos to share more of my creativity and interests.
I don't think there's anything else special or interesting to add on into my introduction--- however, I am open to make sum new friends. I accept anybody but please at least be around 15-19 years old. Thanks for reading !!
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