(I know this was originally a bulletin but these events deserve to be memorialized.)
Today was actually crazy for me. To start off, I had a doctor’s appointment early in the morning, which is never really very fun. My dad drove me there and all of a sudden he turned off the music and rolled down the windows. This weird popping noise was coming from one of the tires. So, my dad drove the car into the parking lot because we were almost there anyways and when we got out we realized the car had a flat tire. We decided to leave it alone and went in for the appointment. Once we were out of the office we dissembled the trunk and got out the tools and extra tire. After much struggling my dad jacked up the car and started taking out the lug nuts. It was all good and fine until we got to the self locking one. My dad and I looked through the car and we could not for the life of us find the key.
At this point my toes were starting to freeze off because I decided to wear crocs without socks since I thought we would just be in and out really quickly. So, I hopped into the car and tried to turn on the car. It sputtered, and nothing happened. The battery was dead. So, to stop my toes from getting frostbit I took toilet paper that my mom forgot to take out of the car from a shopping trip and shoved it into my crocs as a sort of makeshift sock. It worked alright. (Btw it was like 20 degrees Fahrenheit out)
My dad eventually tried calling AAA but they didn’t have a key for the lug nut nor a way to install a new battery. So my dad and I got out of the car and walked for a while until we found a Walmart and bought ourselves jackets and socks for me. After that, we walked to a nearby Harbour Freight and bought a hammer and some other tools I forget the name of. All that matters was that we were able to replace the tire and brought the battery back to life for a while.
Since my dad and I hadn’t eaten yet today we went out for breakfast. The food was actually pretty good. After, we went to Costco to have the people at the tire center try to fix our tire and get a new battery. We had to install the battery ourself and ended up replacing all of our tires since the one that was flat was unfixable and the rest were close to death. For two hours my dad and I wandered around Costco eating samples while we waited for the tires to be replaced. Two hours. Two hours of doing nothing but eating samples and walking around Costco. Also I changed the home screen of a bunch of Apple devices to the “that feeling when kneeling surgery is tomorrow” meme. By the time we were out of that dreaded store the sun was already down.
So uh yeah that happened. Happy new year.
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