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Category: Life

1st blog (how i found christ)

dont really know what to say but let me introduce myself my name troy im 17 and i live in the us. i saw someone else on spacehey (S/O Christ_is_king!) talking about how church/ Christ was always present in life but they never felt Christ. I similarly had these feelings and only knew i wasnt Christian after Christ called me but called myself a Christian(tbf tho i was a kid and couldnt comprehend most theology,philosphy, and peoples world view).Some background info is that my whole family was raised on Christian vaules and sent me to Chatolic school kindergarten-8th grade. this meant chruch every 2 days 1st-6th grade then every weekday 6-8 grade. after 8th grade i went to my first public school(highschool) not knowing anyone and met my best friend there he switched schools in the beginning of 10th grade and went to a Christian school downtown. i invited him to a muesuem on the way there we were talking about our new classes and he just mentioined that he had a "Bible class" after we were done and i went home i had the thought of him just saying something so simple that would never repeat itself normally "Bible class" i always questioned the bible and christianty but never seacrhed for the answer of my question. But there was just a feeling, i could best describe it as a spirit almost opeaning my heart to look for answers and authenticity. I looked for one answer then i had to have them all answered, then listened to preachers, then started looking foward to go too Church it was a domino effect. rereading this made me realise that Christ was always calling and i just never answered.Truly im blessed and grateful.I’d love to hear your perspective—feel free to comment!

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trin's profile picture

this is a wonderful testament! i envy you because i used to have such a good relationship with Christ and i don't anymore. there isn't even a reason why, i just fell out of that. when you said something about how it was pulling you, i often feel that way too. i think Christ calls us out, but its up to us to seek it. like the painting of adam and God. i am somewhat ashamed. thank you for sharing :)

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