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Category: Art and Photography

Bleak UK Seaside Town

Just a few photos I took when it was foggy out. I haven't used my dslr in ages but managed to get something before the battery died.

Listening to Sea Power when I took these for ultimate depression.

Everytime I turn the corner here I prepare to get harassed by 12 year olds in northface looking for someone to buy them a vape.

These fuckers are absolutely terrifying and have it out for me.

Maybe next time its foggy I can go wandering around fields instead of feeling like I'm in a shitty rendition of silent hill where the biggest threat is breaking my ankle in a pothole.

6 Kudos


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Jaiii's profile picture

I thought I felt the whole bit with the pissed up 12 year olds coming from the sketchier towns around the inland, but I swear there's something proper weird that goes into the water around the coast, genuinely felt like I was gonna get my camera snatched by a couple of 9 year olds in the 15 minutes that I spent in Fleetwood, made me feel like I lived in Kensington by contrast

No offense

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Just to add I'm equally as terrified of the swans and geese as gangs of 9 year olds, terrifying creatures

by Jaiii; ; Report

AND Sea Power are class

by Jaiii; ; Report

nah you right. but a lot down here are wannabe roadmen. the worst part is when they're fishing in the lake and i gotta make the decision to go past them or the geese. at least the geese dont weild knives yet.

by shed; ; Report


by Jaiii; ; Report