2025 Hopes & Goals

  • Judge less. Sometimes it is an unconscious habit of mine because of the people surrounding me, and I'd like to work on that better!
  • Step out of my comfort zone. My anxiety still makes things tricky, but I want to make the most of the new year, mainly my final year of college!
  • Be more present. It is always a struggle to do so, but I'm really putting my foot down on my bad habits and things I keep meaning to improve but never seem to quite reach the doing part... Maybe we will also throw working on procrastination into that...
  • Create. I want to create more than just consume! I fell out with writing again, and fun little crafts, so I'd love to get back into that. If I ideally get into an art class for college, this should definitely help!
  • Stop picking at my skin!!! Suchhh a bad habit I can't seem to drop. But as I said, I'm putting my foot down and really working on that.
  • Love. That's it. That's the post. /ref. But seriously, I want to love. I want to be  optimistic, I want to open my heart people, I want to let myself just be with my friends!


  • Listen to more music! I want to listen to more Depeche Mode and Evanescene specifically, but I also want to broaden the artists and genres I listen to further.
  • Read more books! Dropped out with reading for a bit, but access to the school library in early February will certainly fill the hole in my soul that e-books can't fill....
  • Master the arts of push ups and sit ups. I will be unstoppable. Just you all wait. I want to outshine people in competitions (not literal competitions. just silly in-the-moment things) with people who don't believe I can do it. I want to beat them. To crush them. To fill my competitive-less sized shape in my heart.
  • Get a job. Maybe. Somehow earn money! I think work experience through the school could help for sure. Absolutely anxiety inducing. Brings on the nervous feels. But it'll be necessary! Also ties in with the putting myself out of my comfort zone goal!
  • Learn to not indulge on chocolate. Maybe eat healthier. "Oh please spare me from such lactose torture!" my stomach cries desperately as I drown out it's complaints with lactose only to cry about it later as it so very much hurts and wonder why I trap myself in this. Hey, maybe I should add restraint to my goals...
  • Get my P's... but first, grow confident and comfortable and get more experience in driving. If my uncle's friend can't drive but is allowed to get her license, so can I! (she didn't even know what the fuel light flashing meant because she didn't know what the fuel light was, has crashed into a tree in the middle of an otherwise bare paddock, got stuck driving endlessly around a roundabout, cuts across lanes without knowing she is even meant to signal, couldn't brake properly at one point, constantly mounts the curb when driving, gets lost, and so on.... I think I can do a bit better, so I should be right!)

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Benvolio's profile picture

U should defiantly give The Last Dinner Party a listen there so freakin good, My Lady of Mercy and Ceaser on a TV Screen are personal favourites. :]

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ive heard Nothing Matters and loved it, so I'll check them out!

by 「 Bea๑ 」; ; Report