i guess when the clock strikes twelve tomorrow night
we’ve reached another year in our lives
another page turned, bearing a new date in the corner
“january 1, 2025” it reads
all 364 pages after that will be full
filled to the brim with writings and scribbles and meaningless words
or maybe they do mean something, and in turn
a prediction has landed on that page
a prediction, filling up that page with concerns
what will this new year be like?
will every dawn be the same?
when the clock strikes twelve, will something yell
every single thing has changed?
when the clock strikes twelve will we be free?
or lose every right, along with our dignity?
will there be a point to this endless hypothesis?
this endless prediction, this endless fear
this endless worry that the end is near
its not, not for billions of years
and yet we all stand, staring at this obstacle
this huge scribble on the page
we blink and blink, beginning to look like lizards
it doesn’t change
for every year to come, including this new year
this new page turned
this day called january 1, 2025
every memory from the last page before this
it was never a clean slate
it was never fresh, never new
never in the right shape
now we turn a new one, with no marks on it
besides that oh so foreboding date
this fresh, clean slate provides a sliver of hope
a sliver of faith, a sliver of everything going right
but will it go wrong?
no, not for billions of years
motivations, setbacks, and the friends made along the way (poem)
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