Snow :3


<style>html:before {

ย  animation: grain 8s steps(10) infinite;

ย  background-image: url(;

ย  content: "";

ย  height: 700%;

ย  left: -100%;

ย  opacity:.3;

ย  position: fixed;

ย  top: -90%;

ย  width: 900%;

ย  pointer-events:none;


@keyframes grainย 

ย  70% { transform:translate(0%, 15%) }


If you want to use this, go toย ๐ŸŒˆโ˜† หšห– (เน‘รฒแ†บรณเน‘) ห– หš โ˜†๐ŸŒธ 's layout post and credi 'em ! cuz i only customized it i didnt do anything but that !

(here's the link !)

2 Kudos