i've been working on-and-off on this layout for ages and i'm so happy it's finally done. i know i'm biased because i'm the one who made it but it looks so damn good!!! raagh i love being autistic <3
stuff to worry about if you use it yourself:
- this theme is so not responsive it's kind of incredible. i've tried my best not to have any issues on the average desktop experience, but i recommend using some kind of work around with
@media only screen and (max-width: 400ish pixels)
if you use mobile often or even just care about the phone-only users - put this code in the about me section and not with anything else that's meant to be visible!! (maybe unless it doesn't interrupt with the flow of the actual page). otherwise the layout might break because it is very tempermental :(
/* this stuff you can change!! there's probably a way to change each one individually with nth-child but that's up to you to make */
.general-about::before /* featured thumbnail */ {
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/changeMe.png") red center;
.general-about .details p:first-child, .profile h1 /* featured thumbnail borders */ {
background: #800000;
.comments-table td:first-child::after /* comment thumbnail */ {
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/changeMe.png") red center;
.comments-table td:first-child::before, .comments-table td:first-child a p /* comment thumbnail borders */ {
background: #800000;
.profile .friends .person /* person mini-thumbnail */ {
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/changeMe.png") red;
.profile .friends .person::before, .profile .friends .person p {
background: #800000;
/* actual code starts here */
body {
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/bg.png") #111;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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width: 1000px;
margin: 0 auto;
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display: none;
/* header */
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.center form label {
padding-top: 2px;
.center form label::after {
content: "We're not streaming at all because WE'VE\A BEEN BROKEN UP FOR A DECADE!";
white-space: pre;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: normal;
.search-wrapper {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 1px;
.search-wrapper input {
width: 100%;
height: 14px;
margin-top: 1px !important;
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color: #ddd;
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/* links */
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height: 26px !important;
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color: #ddd;
text-decoration: none;
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display: none;
/* main stuff starts here */
main::before {
content: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/ad.png");
height: 85px;
main {
min-height: 2089px;
padding: 0;
background: #333;
/* weird shit to make the "featured section" */
.blurbs {
width: 950px;
position: absolute;
transform: translate(20px, -21px);
.profile .blurbs::before {
content: "FEATURED - Today on THE BEST GAMERS";
width: 935px;
height: 30px;
padding: 10px 5px 11px 10px;
display: block;
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/title.png") #973232 repeat-x;
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color: #FDFFEA;
.profile .blurbs .heading h4 {
margin-left: 12px;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
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font-size: 12px !important;
/* featured section thumbnail/little things */
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width: 300px;
height: 130px;
background: black;
position: absolute;
border: 1px black;
border-style: none solid;
transform: translate(-754px, -719px);
z-index: 1;
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content: "";
width: 294px;
height: 103px;
position: absolute;
background-size: 100% 100%;
border: 1px solid black;
outline: 1px solid #C0C0C0;
transform: translate(1px, 12px);
z-index: 0;
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height: 32px !important;
position: absolute;
object-fit: cover;
transform: translate(263px, 3px);
z-index: 1;
.profile-pic img {
width: 32px;
.profile-pic::after {
content: "";
width: 33px;
height: 33px;
position: absolute;
display: block;
border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
transform: translate(-2px, -37px);
z-index: 2;
.profile-pic::before {
content: "";
width: 33px;
height: 33px;
position: absolute;
display: block;
border: 1px solid black;
transform: translate(-1px, -1px);
z-index: 1;
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z-index: -1;
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margin: 0 0 0 100px;
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color: white;
text-align: left;
text-shadow: black 1px 1px;
text-transform: uppercase;
border: 1px black;
border-style: none solid;
transform: translate(-101px, 0);
.profile h1::before {
content: "BY ";
.profile h1 {
width: 300px;
height: 12px;
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position: absolute;
font-family: "Press Start 2P", Courier, monospace;
font-size: 8px;
font-weight: normal;
color: white;
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text-shadow: black 1px 1px;
text-transform: uppercase;
border: 1px black;
border-style: solid solid none solid;
transform: translate(-754px, -601px);
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.profile h1 .icon {
display: none;
.profile .blurbs .inner .section div::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0;
background: transparent;
.general-about .details p:nth-child(2) {
width: 950px;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
font-size: 12px;
font-style: italic;
color: #DDD;
text-align: right;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
transform: translate(-30px, -38px);
.profile .mood {
width: 918px !important;
height: 20px 1important;
padding: 2px 0 0 0;
position: relative;
display: flex;
gap: 100px;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
background: #777;
color: white;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: #444 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
border: 1px outset #333;
transform: translate(-754px, -589px);
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background: #CCC;
border: 1px inset white;
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color: #555 !important;
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/* "news" section */
main .right {
float: left;
width: 786px;
margin: 1px 0 0 2px;
padding: 10px 5px 5px 3px;
.blog-preview, .profile-info {
position: absolute;
display: none;
/* previous reviews (profile comments) */
#comments {
width: 770px;
position: absolute;
transform: translate(0, -214px);
.profile .friends .heading {
width: 780px;
margin-left: -2px;
padding: 10px 5px 9px 10px;
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/title.png") #973232 repeat-x;
color: #EEE;
border-radius: 15px;
.profile .friends .heading h4 {
margin: 0;
font-size: 0;
font-weight: bold;
.profile .friends .heading h4::after {
content: "THE BEST GAMERS - The LATEST Updates";
font-size: 26px;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
.profile .friends .inner {
width: 775px;
margin: 0 0 16px 0;
padding: 7px 3px 3px 12px;
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font-size: 12px;
color: #AAA;
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text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
border-radius: 15px;
#comments .inner {
min-height: 1653px;
#comments .inner:has(.pagination) {
min-height: 1730px;
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margin: 0;
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table.comments-table tbody {
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
table.comments-table tr::before {
content: "Another Review...";
display: block;
text-align: left;
color: #ADEA93;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
transform: translate(5px, -3px);
.profile .friends p:not(.comments-table p, .person a p) {
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padding: 0;
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font-size: 0px;
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table.comments-table tr::before:hover {
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height: 197px;
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padding: 8px 7px;
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background: #444;
font-size: 12px;
table.comments-table tr:nth-child(n+8) {
display: none;
.profile .friends p b a time::before {
content: "Comment posted ";
.profile .friends p b a time {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
font-size: 12px;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: normal;
color: #DDD;
text-align: right;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
transform: translate(4px, -28px);
.profile .friends p b a time::after {
content: " by THE BEST GAMERS";
table.comments-table td {
background: #222;
height: 165px;
margin-top: 1px;
color: #DDD;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
transform: translate(0, 1px);
table.comments-table td:first-child {
width: 310px;
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border-radius: 15px 0 0 15px;
background: #222;
.comments-table td:first-child::before {
content: "VIDEO REVIEW";
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transform: translate(10px, 20px);
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width: 32px !important;
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transform: translate(117px, 11px);
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content: "";
width: 33px;
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display: block;
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content: "";
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height: 33px;
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transform: translate(271px, 10px);
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.comments-table td:first-child a p::before {
content: "BY ";
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table.comments-table td:nth-child(2):has(.comment-replies) p {
max-height: 62px;
.profile .friends p:has(time) {
overflow: visible !important;
.comments-table .report {
margin: 2px 13px 0 0 !important;
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display: none;
.report a {
font-size: 9px;
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text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
text-decoration: underline;
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color: #DFF;
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font-size: 9px;
font-weight: normal !important;
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color: #DFF;
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display: block;
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background: #777;
padding: 1px 0 0 0;
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text-shadow: #444 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
transform: translate(-302px, 138px);
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.comments-table td a button::after {
content: "Click here to REPLY TO THIS COMMENT!";
font-size: 12px;
color: #FFF;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: #444 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
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color: #555 !important;
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/* forum button */
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transform: translate(-14px, 34px);
/* socials and such */
main .left {
float: right;
width: 206px !important;
margin: 800px 0 0 0;
padding: 12px 0;
color: #CCC;
.friends:not(#comments) {
width: 206px;
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border-radius: 15px;
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content: "";
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content: "BY ";
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transform: translate(-3px, 14px);
.person a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
/* code adapted from https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=1169 */
.left .table-section .details-table tr, .profile .contact .f-row {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.left .table-section .inner,
.left .table-section .details-table td,
.left .table-section .details-table td:first-child, .f-col {
width: 100%;
/* contact box */
.profile .contact {
border: none;
transform: translate(-8px, -81px);
.profile .contact .heading {
width: 210px;
height: 41px;
padding: 9px 5px 10px 13px;
display: block;
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/title.png") #973232 repeat-x;
font-size: 0;
font-weight: bold;
color: #eee;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
border-radius: 15px;
.profile .contact .heading::after {
content: "THE LATEST BUZZ:";
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
transform: translate(-2px, 1px);
.profile .contact .inner {
width: 210px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #151515;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: normal;
color: #999;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
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border-radius: 15px;
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.contact .inner a img:before {
display: block;
.contact .inner .f-row .f-col a:before {
content: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/buzz.png");
display: inline-block;
transform: translate(8px, 7px);
.profile .contact .f-row {
margin: 0;
.profile .contact .f-row:nth-child(1) {
margin-top: 3px;
.profile .contact .f-row:nth-child(4) {
margin-bottom: 8px;
.profile .contact .f-col {
width: 190px;
height: 29.5px;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
.profile .contact .f-col a {
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #999;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
text-decoration: underline;
.profile .contact .f-col a:hover {
color: #DFF;
text-shadow: #774 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
/* url box */
.profile .url-info {
width: 200px;
height: 59px;
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border-radius: 5px;
transform: translate(-6px, -87px);
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transform: translate(0, -10px);
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text-decoration: underline;
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height: 24px;
display: block;
background: no-repeat;
background-image: url("https://static.spacehey.net/img/logo_optimized.svg");
transform: translate(2px, -10px);
/* interests box + links box. code for headings adapted from https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=107828 */
.profile .table-section {
border: none;
.profile .table-section .heading {
width: 210px;
height: 41px;
padding: 9px 5px 10px 13px;
display: block;
background: url("https://file.garden/ZHx3ZSN8xl0qbkaI/graphix/thebestgamers/title.png") #973232 repeat-x;
font-size: 0;
font-weight: bold;
color: #eee;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
border-radius: 15px;
.table-section:not(.table-section + .table-section) {
transform: translate(-8px, -93px);
.table-section:not(.table-section + .table-section) .heading::after {
content: "FORUM ACTIVITY:";
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
transform: translate(-2px, 1px);
.table-section+.table-section {
transform: translate(-8px, -99px);
.table-section+.table-section .heading::after {
content: "FOR 'EM ACTIVITY:";
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
text-shadow: black 0.075em 0.075em 0.075em;
transform: translate(-2px, 1px);
.profile .table-section .inner {
width: 210px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #151515;
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font-weight: normal;
color: #999;
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border-radius: 15px;
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margin: 0;
.profile .contact .f-row:nth-child(1) {
margin-top: 3px;
.profile .contact .f-row:nth-child(4) {
margin-bottom: 8px;
.profile .contact .f-col {
width: 190px;
height: 29.5px;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
.profile .contact .f-col a {
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #999;
text-shadow: black 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
text-decoration: underline;
.profile .contact .f-col a:hover {
color: #DFF;
text-shadow: #774 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
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font-size: 11px;
color: #999;
text-decoration: underline;
.details-table td:first-child p:hover, .details-table td a:hover {
color: #DFF;
text-shadow: #774 0.05em 0.05em 0.05em;
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width: 10px;
height: 10px;
display: inline-block;
transform: translate(0, -4px);
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